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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Training Program

Required Training for Clinical Psychology, PsyD

Coursework and Practicum

All students in the clinical program are required to take at least two foundation CBT courses (Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Therapy) in the first two years in the clinical program. Students also have the opportunity to enroll in a comprehensive CBT practicum for up to two years in the third and fourth year, toward fulfillment of the required two-year advanced psychotherapy practicum.

Students in the CBT practicum are required to take the two-semester advanced course title CBT for Anxiety and Depressive Disorders and the two-semester CBT Individual Practicum lab. Students in the second year of the CBT practicum are required to take the two-semester Advanced CBT Practicum lab.

Students may also take CBT courses from other programs. For example, students may take Evidence Based Interventions with Youth I (Externalizing) or Evidence based Interventions with Youth II (Internalizing) to satisfy the Category C requirement. Students who wish to concentrate their studies in CBT can click here for more information.

Practicum Experience

In addition to enrolling in required coursework and labs, CBT practicum students treat patients in the CBT clinic — a program within the state-of-the-art Parnes Clinic located in New York City. Patients are diverse in socio economics, ethnicity, sexual orientation, possible disability, and therapeutic issues. Students have the opportunity to treat patients with anxiety and depression conditions including Unipolar Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Insomnia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Test-taking anxiety and more through the in-house CBT training clinic. Students also learn to assess and treat patients with comorbid conditions, including relationship and family difficulties, personality disorders and more. Although the bulk of the training is on CBT, students also get exposure to Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Schema-Focused Therapy.

Students receive three hours of weekly supervision for treating 2-4 patients - one hour in an individual format and two hours in a group format through the practicum labs. The lab is a small group, generally six students plus the instructor who develop a safe atmosphere in which to discuss any issues of the patient, the therapist, the therapeutic relationship and the supervisory experience. Students also learn case presentation and consultation skills within the lab setting.

All instructors and supervisors have extensive training in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and active in writing, presenting, and practicing in cognitive behavior therapy.  Both cognitive and behavioral models are equally emphasized in the CBT training program, and students are trained in theoretical foundations, research, and clinical applications of CBT. Students learn introductory skills in assessing individuals with anxiety and depressive disorders, conducting functional analyses, formulating case conceptualizations, and applying the full range of CBT strategies in the first year of the practicum. Students receive advanced training in CBT in the second year of the practicum. Students learn to conduct sophisticated chain analyses, case conceptualizations, learn advanced strategies, and have the opportunity to lead a group. For students in the advanced CBT lab, students gain experience supervising peers and junior students.

Students may also further extend their training by enrolling in other elective CBT courses offered at the school and by completing externships that specialize in CBT training.

A particularly distinctive feature of the CBT training is that students have the opportunity to present their work and listen to pioneers in the field at professional meetings such as the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) and New York City- CBT Association. Advanced CBT lab members also have the unique opportunity to listen to experts in more intimate settings, and attend CBT team meetings with experts in the field. The CBT program also includes an opportunity to run a group using Barlow's Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders.

Clinical Research Experience

Clinical research is facilitated through the CBT program in the areas of depression (unipolar and bipolar depression), anxiety disorders (Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobia), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Hoarding, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and substance abuse. Faculty members in the CBT program study the phenomenology, prevalence, vulnerability, prevention and treatment of these conditions.

These areas of research are facilitated through two-semester research seminars that eventually lead to Doctoral Research Projects I and II:

  • Lata K. McGinn, PhD
  •  Leanne Quigley, PhD
  •  Margaret Sala, PhD

  • Cognitive Therapy
    PSC 6497 (Dr. Catherine Eubanks-Carter)

    This course reviews the cognitive revolution in clinical psychology, the development of the cognitive model of depression, and the application of cognitive therapy to a variety of mental health disorders.  In addition, students will be introduced to therapeutic approaches that are informed by the cognitive model, and will discuss the ways in which these approaches expand upon and/or challenge the cognitive model.  The course will also explore future directions for cognitive therapy and research.
  • Behavior Therapy
    PSC 6478 (TBD)

    This course review both foundational principles of behaviorism and learning theory (e.g. classical conditioning; operant conditioning), as well as current advances in behaviorism, specifically, Relational Frame Theory (RFT).  Students will begin to learn how to translate this knowledge and understanding of human behavior to real world clinical settings via instruction in functional analysis, behavioral assessment, specific behavioral strategies, case conceptualization and treatment planning.  Students will also gain general knowledge of contemporary and "third wave" behavioral treatments given their increasing popularity and wide spread use.  Evidence and outcomes for behavioral treatments and approaches will be reviewed as well.
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxiety and Depressive Disorders I and II
    PSC 6470 and 6471 (Dr. Lata K. McGinn)

    Approximately 25% of the general population suffers from an anxiety disorder at some point in their life.  Twenty percent suffer from depression. This course combines didactic coursework and applications of treatment in the assessment and cognitive behavioral treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders:  panic disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, and depression.  Class time includes a combination of lectures, role-plays, case examples, videotapes and discussion of relevant literature. Students (a) learn how to comprehensively assess anxiety and depressive disorders using a combination of semi-structured clinician interviews (e.g. Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV-TR) and a variety of self-report measures;  (b) conduct functional analyses, learn case conceptualization, set goals and formulate a treatment plan; (c) learn to implement cognitive and behavioral strategies such as cognitive restructuring, breathing retraining, deep muscle relaxation, exposure, behavior activation, problem solving, contingency procedures, and skills training in the treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders through the use of simulated exercises, role-plays, illustrative case examples and videotapes. Students also learn to how to adapt treatment for individuals with personality disorders using Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Schema-Focused Therapy.

Students may enroll in the CBT practicum for a minimum of one and a maximum of two years in their third and fourth years in the program. Students enrolled in this practicum will be assigned patients from the CBT Program for Anxiety and Depression, a subset of the Parnes Psychology Clinic. Students are placed in the CBT individual Psychotherapy Practicum during their first year of training and in the Advanced CBT Individual Psychotherapy Practicum during their second year in the program.

  • Individual CBT Psychotherapy Practicum I (Multiple Instructors*)
  • Individual CBT Psychotherapy Practicum II (Multiple Instructors*)
  • Advanced Individual CBT Psychotherapy Practicum I (Multiple Instructors*)
  • Advanced Individual CBT Psychotherapy Practicum II (Multiple Instructors*)

A highlight of our program is the degree and quality of supervision students receive in the CBT Practicum. Core and adjunct clinical supervisors with extensive training in CBT provide intensive clinical supervision to students.

Each student participating in the CBT practicum receives three hours of weekly supervision: one hour in an individual format and two hours in a group format. Individual supervision is provided off-site by a licensed clinical psychologist. Group supervision is provided onsite in a weekly, two-hour "lab" or Individual Psychotherapy Practicum. The lab consists of approximately 5-6 students and is led by a clinical supervisor.

Students in the Advanced CBT labs also have the opportunity to learn supervision skills and learn to supervise junior students.

Core Faculty

Practicum Supervisors

  • Lata K. McGinn, Ph.D.
  • Rebecca Greif, Psy.D.
  • Erica Silberstein, Psy.D.

Individual Supervisors

  • Amelia Aldao
  • Anita Jose
  • Basha Silver
  • Cat Glass
  • Jason Duncan
  • Jenna Feldman
  • Jessica Lubitz
  • Kelly Mayering
  • Lindsay Tulchin
  • Lori Davis
  • Meredith Grossman
  • Nellie Harari
  • Nicholas Forand
  • Samantha Rogowicz
  • Sarah McArdell Moore
  • Shira Kelin
  • Stephanie Nelson
  • Stephen Terraciano

CBT Program Advisory Board

  • Aaron T. Beck, M.D.
  • Anne-Marie Albano, Ph.D.
  • David Barlow, Ph.D.
  • Judith Beck, Ph.D.
  • Arthur Freeman, Ed.D.
  • Richard Heimberg, Ph.D.
  • Robert Leahy, Ph.D.
  • Lata K. McGinn, Ph.D.
  • Cory Newman, Ph.D.
  • Michael Otto, Ph.D.
  • William Sanderson, Ph.D.
  • Christine Padesky, Ph.D.
  • Jeffrey Young, M.D.

For more information about the CBT training program or if you are a professional who is interested in joining our supervisory team, please call 646.592.4394 or e-mail us at Lata.McGinn@yu.edu

To make a patient referral or schedule an intake evaluation to the CBT Program, please contact us at 718.430.2585, ext. 9157, or e-mail: cbtprogram@gmail.com.

The Clinical PsyD Program at Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology offers specialty training in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), which involves didactic coursework, practicum clinical training, and research.

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