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Torah and other Publications

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary


The mission of is to bring the Torah of the YU/RIETS beis midrash to print. For many years, we have published seforim authored by our Roshei Yeshiva and Rebbeim and we have many exciting new publications in the works.


 offers more than 35,000 shiurim via webcast in audio, video and text formats by our Roshei Yeshiva and other YU luminaries.

The site receives more than one million visits a month, bringing the light of Torah to learners across the globe.


RIETS faculty and students are involved in the publication of many other scholarly works, including:

  • Beit Yitzchak, the oldest Torah publication of RIETS, features articles of Talmudic and halachic analysis by RIETS roshei yeshiva, kollel fellows and students. Published annually, this work generally has more than 500 pages of article.
  • The Bella and Harry Wexner Kollel Elyon and Semikhah Honors Program publishes an annual journal of scholarly articles on Talmud, Kol Zvi. Generally focusing on a Talmudic tractate or topic, it contains highly original and erudite essays by the kollel faculty and fellows.
  • 成人视频色情片 Press, through the Michael Scharf Publication Trust, issues works of significant Talmudic scholarship. Examples include Eretz Hatzevi-Be'urei Sugyot by Rabbi Hershel Schachter, a collection of 40 essays; Am Mordechai by Rabbi Mordechai I. Willig, an analysis of various topics in Tractate Berakhot; B'Netivot Ha-Halacha (2 vols.) by Rabbi J. David Bleich; Sefer Y'samach Av (2 vols.) by Rabbi Eli B. Shulman; and Divine Footsteps: Chesed and the Jewish Soul by Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman.
  • Kevod HaRav, a volume of Torah essays in honor of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik z"l, and Zichron HaRav, a volume issued as a memorial to the Rav, sponsored by Rabbi Julius Berman, contain major scholarly pieces by RIETS faculty members and other leading Torah authorities.
  • Ketonet Yosef (2002), a memorial volume to Rabbi Joseph Wanefsky, z"l, a beloved faculty member and mentor to generations of students, includes essays by faculty, students and outside scholars.
  • Zeved Tov (2008), a collection of many essays written by Rabbi Zevulun Charlop, dean emeritus, was published in September 2008 in conjunction with the RIETS Annual Dinner of Tribute, which honored Rabbi Charlop for his extraordinary achievement in Torah learning and leadership.
  • The Orthodox Forum Series (1992-, various publishers), includes contributions by various roshei yeshiva.
  • Nachlat Yaakov, A Journal of the The Rabbi Jacob H. Kupietzky Memorial Program for the Study of Kodshim
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