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Fellowship in Holocaust and Jewish Resistance. 1977 New York University: Department of English Education. M.A. in English Education: February, 1977. 1967 Adelphi University, Garden City, New York. B.A. in English: June, 1967. TEACHING and ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE 2012-present Director of Educational Programming, Jerome Riker Research Foundation for the Study of the Persecuted Child, NYC. 2008-Present Editor, PRISM: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Holocaust Educators. Peer-reviewed and published annually by the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration of ƵɫƬ. 2008-Present Visiting Associate Professor of Jewish Education, Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration of ƵɫƬ. Responsibilities include teaching Masters and Doctoral degree students and supervising student teachers. 2008-Present Senior Fellow, YU University-School Partnership. Responsibilities include mentoring and induction, currently at the Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, Boca Raton, FL. 2005-2008 Adjunct Associate Professor of Holocaust Education at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration of ƵɫƬ. 1996-2005 Assistant Principal for Middle School Secular Studies, Moriah School, Englewood, New Jersey. 1996-2006 Consultant and Curriculum Developer, American Friends of the Ghetto Fighters Museum, Teaneck, New Jersey. 1995-2010 National Holocaust Educators Consortium: A Community of Practice: Founding Director and coordinator. 1994-1999 Regional Director, Educational Activities, American Society for Yad Vashem. 1993-2005 Director of Holocaust Education, Moriah School, Englewood, New Jersey. 1967-1993 Teacher, Department of English, Lawrence Middle School, Lawrence, New York. 1991-2001 Lecturer, Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Summer Study Seminar, Jerusalem and Nahariya, Israel. Jewish Labor Committee, AFT, US Holocaust Memorial Museum. 1990-1997 Consultant, Anti-Defamation League, Braun Center for Holocaust Studies. Staff member, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel. Course: Post-graduate Summer Institute for Educators from Abroad: Teaching about the Holocaust and Antisemitism. Instructor, World Union of Jewish Studies, WUJS Institute, Arad, Israel. Course: Post-graduate seminar: Literature of the Shoah. PAPERS AND WORKSHOPS PRESENTED 2013 Understanding Jewish Life in the Shadow of Destruction. YU Kollel MiTzion, Skokie, IL. 2013 Stories of Jewish Defense, Defiance, and Resistance During the Holocaust. Ohr Torah, Skokie, IL. 2013 And the World Stood By: The Story of the Evian Conference. Presenter, Warren-Spector Fellowship Program, Holocaust Museum Houston, TX. 2013 Come In, and Come In!: Stories of the Righteous Among the Nations. Presenter, Warren-Spector Fellowship Program, Holocaust Museum Houston, TX. 2012 Teaching ƵɫƬ the Holocaust: Who, What, Where, When, and Why: A Workshop for Educators. Syracuse University, NY. 2012 How Do We Measure Success?: Examining Assessment Modalities in the Literature Classroom. Holocaust Museum Houston, TX. 2012 Thinking ƵɫƬ Fried Noodles: Resilience in Terezin. Holocaust Museum Houston, TX. 2012 Telling History: Teaching ƵɫƬ the Holocaust Through Narrative. Holocaust Museum Houston, TX. 2012 Reflections on the Bystanders and a Continuum of Benevolence: Implications for Today. Holocaust Museum Houston, TX. 2012 His Grey Eminence: Using the Poetry of Survivors to Teach ƵɫƬ Resilience. Holocaust Museum Houston, TX. 2012 Revisiting and Revising the Holocaust Curriculum, Grades 18. Consultancy, Solomon Schechter School, New Milford, NJ. 2012 On Leadership; Stories of Jewish Resistance; Beyond Candles: Suggestions for a Meaningful Yom haShoah; On Designing a Sequential Curriculum. Two-day workshop and consultancy at the Hillel Hebrew Academy, Boca Raton, Florida. 2012 Mourning and Mending: Addressing Secondary Trauma in Teaching ƵɫƬ the Holocaust. Dinner Speaker, Congregation Beth Abraham David, Albany, NY. 2011 On Listening and Hearing. Shabbat Drasha. Congregation Brothers of Israel, Long Branch, NJ. 2011 Addressing Vicarious Traumatization in Adolescents Who Learn Too Much, Too Soon. Adult Education Presentation, Congregation Keter Torah, Teaneck, NJ. 2011 Learning ƵɫƬ the Holocaust: How Children Cope. All-day workshop for New Jersey Educators, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ. 2011 What Makes a Good Book Good: Choosing Age-Appropriate Literature and Films for Children and Adolescents. All-day workshop for New Jersey Educators, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ. 2011 How Adolescents Cope with Learning ƵɫƬ the Holocaust: Current Research. Teacher-education workshop for the Holocaust Educators Network (HEN), Memorial Library, NYC, NY. 2011 Jewish Agency During the Shoah: The Untold Story of Defense and Defiance. Presentation, Shelhevet High School, Los Angeles, CA. 2011 Learning to Write, Writing to Learn: Tips and Techniques for Improving Students Writing. Workshop, Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island, Inwood, NY. 2011 Telling History: Using Narrative to Teach ƵɫƬ the Holocaust and How Do We Know That They Know?: Constructing and Deconstructing Assessments in the Holocaust Education Classroom. Workshops, Warren-Spector Teacher Training Fellowship Program, Houston Holocaust Museum, TX. 2010 Active Learning: Tips and Techniques. Webinar, ƵɫƬ, NYC, NY. 2010 Resistance During the Shoah: The Roles of Teenagers in the Ghettos and Forests. Presentation, Beren Academy, Houston, TX. 2010 Monitoring and Mentoring Your Proteges. Four sessions at the Greenfield Hebrew Academy, Atlanta, GA. 2010 Making the Most Out of the Mentor-Protg Relationship. Two Skype presentations with 15 new teachers at Greenfield Hebrew Academy, Atlanta, GA. 2010 Understanding Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust. Presentation, Ida Crown Academy, Chicago, IL. 2010 Preparing for the March of the Living: Learning ƵɫƬ Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust. Address to the senior class, Yavneh Academy, Dallas, TX. 2010 The Call of Memory: Teaching ƵɫƬ the Holocaust Through Narrative. Teacher-education workshop for the Holocaust Educators Network (HEN), NYC, NY. 2010 Monitoring and Mentoring Your New Teachers: ƵɫƬ/Azrieli Graduate School Job Fair, Furst Hall, Wilf Campus. 2010 Family Film Night: Which Films Do We Choose and Why? Yeshiva University/RAVSAK/Covenant Foundation Conference for Day School Leaders. Teaneck, NJ. 2009 Crafting a Sequential Holocaust Curriculum for Students in Grades K8. A half-day in-service training for the staff of Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island, Inwood, NY. 2009 Mentoring and Induction Strategies for New Teachers. A series of three in- person and Webinar workshops for 12 senior staff members of the Greenfield Hebrew Academy in Atlanta, GA. 2009 Holocaust Films and the Family. Who Will Tell the Children? A Writing Workshop for the Second Generation. How Can I Talk So My Friends Will Listen?: A Workshop for the Third Generation. Scholar-in-Residence, Holocaust Education Week, Toronto, CA. UJA Federation and the Holocaust Centre of Toronto. 2009 The Call of Memory Narratives: Concise Literature Lessons to Further Holocaust Memory. The National Teachers of English (NCTE) conference Once and Future Classics: Reading Between the Lines. Philadelphia, PA. 2009 They Fought Back: Spiritual and Physical Resistance During the Holocaust. Samuel H. Wang ƵɫƬ High School for Girls. Queens, NY. 2009 The Call of Memory: Teaching ƵɫƬ the Holocaust Through Narrative. Keynote speech, Holocaust Centre of Toronto, Canada. 2009 Doing the Right Thing: The April 1, 1933 Boycott and a Single Brave Response. The Jewish Foundation School, Staten Island, NY. 2009 Stories of Jewish Heroism During the Holocaust. Stern Hebrew High School, Philadelphia, PA. 2009 The Holocaust and Heroism: True Stories of Jewish Defense and Defiance. Keynote speech, Beth Jacob Congregation Yom HaShoah Commemoration, Beverly Hills, CA. 2009 Beyond Candles: Commemorating the Holocaust Through Education. Three Web-based distance learning workshops. Azrieli Graduate School University-School partnership. 2009 Teaching ƵɫƬ the Holocaust: Where, When, Why, How, and What?: Four sessions sponsored by the Azrieli Graduate School conference on Topics in Jewish Education, Miami, FL. 2009 Teaching the Holocaust: A Personal Journey and Teaching ƵɫƬ the Holocaust Through Narrative: Presentations for Colloquia/Holocaust Education conference in NoviSad, Serbia, sponsored by the Claims Conference and the Jewish Communities of Belgrade and NoviSad. Teaching ƵɫƬ the Holocaust Through Narrative. New York City, NY. Board of Jewish Education. Making History Accessible Through Literature. King of Prussia, PA. Pennsylvania Holocaust Education Council. How Do Students Cope With Learning ƵɫƬ the Holocaust? San Antonio, TX. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) annual conference. Kristallnacht: An Introduction to Learning ƵɫƬ the Holocaust. Willimantic, CT. Hillel House, Eastern Connecticut State University. 2008 The Sunflower Project: An Interdisciplinary, International Distance Learning Opportunity. With Keren Goldfrad. University of Maryland, College Park. International Conference on Promoting Jewish Literacy in Educational Settings. 2008 Beginning a Community of Practice. LaCrosse, WI. Keynote address, workshop designer and facilitator, and consultant for the first gathering of the Midwest Holocaust Educators Consortium. Conversation over Coffee: Sharing Initial Research Methodology on Coping Strategies of Students Who Learn ƵɫƬ the Holocaust. Cleveland, OH. Network for Research in Jewish Education. 2008 Where Do We Go From Here?: Focusing Teachers Knowledge and Passion. Washington, D.C. Twentieth National Alumni Conference on Holocaust and Jewish Resistance. 2008 Coping With the Stress of Learning ƵɫƬ the Holocaust: How Do Students Respond? Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel. Mapping the Power of Literature. New York City, NY. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference. 2007 Telling History Through Literature: Where Do We Begin? and Teaching ƵɫƬ the Holocaust Through Narrative. Images of the Holocaust, the 2007 Summer Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada. Governors Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust. 2007 Values and Meaning-Making in the Wake of the Shoah: A Workshop. Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel. 2007 From Generation to Generation: Transmitting the Legacy to the Third Generation and Beyond. Workshop with Second Generation at The Living Room, a subsidiary of Bergen County Jewish Family Services. 2006 Stars in the Darkness: An Introduction to Dramatic Readings. Presentation to staff and students of the Solomon Schechter School, New Milford, New Jersey. 2005 The Hidden Children and Teaching through Testimony, two workshops for the Board of Jewish Education Teacher In-Service Day, Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns, New York. 2005 Who Will Tell the Children?: Designing and Implementing Workshops for the Second Generation. Speech for the Lender Foundation Teachers Group, Connecticut. 2005 A series of seven workshops entitled Who Will Tell the Children? designed for members of the Second Generation who learn how to integrate their parents stories into their own as they share their family history in local classrooms. 2004 A series of three workshops for teachers: Using Literature to Teach about the Shoah, Commemorating the Shoah, and Teaching the Shoah When There is No Time to Teach. Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York City, New York. 2002 Helping Survivors Tell Their Stories. Hidden Child Foundation/ADL. New York City, New York. 2000 Teaching the Holocaust to Children. Annual Scholars Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (with Professor Sam Totten). 1987-1999 Over 40 workshops on teaching the Holocaust. 1976-1986 Over 20 papers on writing process, adolescent literature, and theories of reader response presented to National Council of Teachers of English, New York State English Council, and the Lawrence School District. Panelist, CBS/TVs Sunrise Semester: Learning to Write/Writing to Learn. HONORS, AWARDS, GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS 2006 Innovation Award for Who Will Tell the Children?: A Workshop for Teaching the Second Generation How to Tell Their Parents Stories. Jewish Community Center Association Biennial Convention. 20042005 Mentor, Covenant Foundation Fellows Program. 2004 The Janusz Korczak Award for Excellence in Education; given to the Moriah School for the International Book-Sharing Project. 2000 The Covenant Award. 1990-1992 Holocaust Perspectives: The Word and the Image: An Advanced Seminar on Holocaust Film and Literature. Participant, National Endowment for the Humanities Masterwork Study Grant. 1989 Mt. Scopus Fellowship for Jewish Education in the Diaspora. Melton Centre, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. 1989 Center of Excellence Award: Lawrence Middle School English/Reading Team Teaching Program. National Council of Teachers of English. 1986 Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Summer Study Fellowship. American Gathering and Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, American Federation of Teachers, the Educators Chapter of the Jewish Labor Committee, Beit Lohame HaGetaot, and Haifa University. PROFESSIONAL / PERSONAL AFFILIATIONS 2006-2008 Board Member, Jewish National Fund, Bergen Country 2006-2007 Co-Chair, Sense-Sational Tu BShvat Celebration of Israel 2007, JCC on the Palisades, Tenafly, New Jersey 2005-2006 Ad Hoc Committee Member, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 2001-2006 Education Committee Member, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 2004-2008 Dinner Committee, American Friends of the Ghetto Fighters Museum 2001-present Member, Congregation Keter Torah, Teaneck, New Jersey 2004-present Affiliate member, Congregation Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, New Jersey 2005-present Affiliate member, Congregation Brothers of Israel, Elberon, New Jersey 2000-2006 Advisory Board Member, Education Committee, American Friends of the Ghetto Fighters Museum Life member Hadassah 1975-present National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) PUBLICATIONS In Press Rethinking Holocaust Curriculum in Jewish Day Schools. Azrieli Papers. Azrieli Graduate School, NYC, NY. 2013 Examining Jewish Values in Kindertransport Narratives. With Hana N. Bor. In PRISM: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Holocaust Educators, Vol.5. NY: ƵɫƬ, Azrieli Graduate School. 2009-2013 PRISM: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Holocaust Educators, Vols.1-5. (Editor). NY: ƵɫƬ, Azrieli Graduate School. 2008 The Call of Memory: Learning ƵɫƬ the Holocaust Through Narrative: An Anthology; and The Call of Memory: Learning ƵɫƬ the Holocaust Through Narrative: A Teachers Guide. With K. Goldfrad, Bar-Ilan University, & W. Younglove, California State University Long Beach. Teaneck, NJ: Ben Yehuda Press. 2008 Listening to All the Human Stories in A Cupboard in the Ghetto with S. D. Baris, Bar-Ilan University. In The Call of Memory: Learning ƵɫƬ the Holocaust Through Narrative: A Teachers Guide. Teaneck, NJ: Ben Yehuda Press. 2008 Transformative Encounters: Portraits of a Holocaust Journey with A.Gillman, Boston University. In The Call of Memory: Learning ƵɫƬ the Holocaust Through Narrative: A Teachers Guide. Teaneck, NJ: Ben Yehuda. 2007 Through the Eyes of a Friend: Understanding Anne Frank and Her World: A Teaching Guide. Theatreworks USA, New York City, NY. 2003 The Call of the Story. In S. Totten (Ed.), Holocaust Educators Tell Their Stories. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Choosing Holocaust Literature for Early Adolescents. In S. Totten & S. Feinberg (Eds.), Teaching and Studying the Holocaust. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. 2001 Virtual Community, Real-Life Connections: A Study of The Island on Bird Street via an International Reading Project. In S. Totten (Ed.), Teaching Holocaust Literature. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Reprint: What Should They Read and When Should They Read It?: A Selective Review of Holocaust Literature for Students in Grades Two through Twelve. In J. Robertson (Ed.), Teaching for a Tolerant World Grades K-6: Essays and Resources. NCTE Committee on Teaching ƵɫƬ Genocide and Intolerance. IL: National Council of Teachers of English. 1997 What Should They Read and When Should They Read It?: A Selective Review of Holocaust Literature for Students in Grades Two through Twelve. Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies. Vol. 11, No. 2. 1995 Current Issues in Holocaust Education. Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies. New York: Anti-Defamation League's Braun Center for Holocaust Studies. Vol. 9, No. 2. 1995 In the Aftermath of the Holocaust: Three Generations Speak. Englewood, New Jersey: Moriah School of Englewood. 1995 The Liberation of Europe and the Concentration and Death Camps: A Documentary Discussion Guide. Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies. New York: Anti-Defamation Leagues Braun Center for Holocaust Studies. Vol. 8, No. 3. 1995 Literary Commentary: A Transactional Approach to Holocaust Literature. Jewish Library Association Journal. 1994 What Should They Read and When Should They Read It?: A Selective Review of Holocaust Literature for Students in Grades Two Through Twelve. Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies. New York: Anti-Defamation Leagues Braun Center for Holocaust Studies. Vol. 8, No. 2. 1994 The End of Innocence: Anne Frank and the Holocaust. (2nd ed.). New York: Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith; Spanish translation by the Instituto Argentino para Estudios del Holocausto, 1993. 1993 The Warsaw Ghetto: A Documentary Discussion Guide to Jewish Resistance in Occupied Warsaw, 1939--1943. Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies. New York: Anti-Defamation Leagues Braun Center for Holocaust Studies. Vol. 7, No. 2. 1992 Understanding the Horror. Scholastic Update. Jefferson City, MO.: Scholastic, Inc. Vol. 125, No. 12. April 2, 1993. 1991 Goals for Helping Young Adolescents Learn about the Shoah. Ten Daat. New York: Torah Education Network, ƵɫƬ. 1989 To Know Where They Are: A Study Guide for the Classroom. New York: Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith. 19761980 More than 15 articles on writing process, language, and the teaching of literature published in journals such as Media & Methods, Teachers & Writers, Arizona English Bulletin, NYUs The Gadfly, Classroom Practices in Teaching English, English Journal, and Et Cetera: A Review of General Semantics. Message from a Small Planet, the essay in Et Cetera, was incorporated into Sound-Around, one show of a 10-week Public Broadcasting Service television series, Media Probes.     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