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Johnson Address Telephone 699 West 239th St. Apt 6K (718) 548-3260 Bronx, NY 10463 Department of Philosophy ƵɫƬ 500 West 185th St. New York, NY 10033 Education PhD Princeton University 1989 BA University of Nebraska 1976 University Appointments ƵɫƬ, 2002-present Associate Professor ƵɫƬ, 1996-2002 Assistant Professor University of California, Los Angeles, 1995-1996 Visiting Assistant Professor University of Missouri, 1994-1995 Visiting Assistant Professor Syracuse University, 1991-1994 Sutton Distinguished Faculty Fellow University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee, 1985-1986 Visiting Instructor College of William and Mary, Spring 1985 Visiting Instructor Somerset County College, New Jersey, Fall 1984 Adjunct Professor Ohio State University, 1982-1983 Visiting Instructor Wesleyan University, 1981-1982 Visiting Instructor University of Connecticut, 1981-1982 Visiting Instructor Books Truth without Paradox (Rowman and Littlefield, 2004) Hume, Holism, and Miracles (Cornell University Press, 1999) Articles The Ghost in the Multiverse, Sophia 50 (2011), pp. 357-362. Hume and Reports of Miracles, in Jeffrey J. Jordan, ed., Philosophy of Religion: The Key Thinkers (London: Continuum Press, 2011), pp. 137-158. A Modal Ontological Argument, in David Shatz, ed., Philosophy and Faith (McGraw-Hill, 2001), pp. 179-183. A Reconsideration of an Argument against Compatibilism, Philosophical Topics, 24:2 (Fall 1996), pp. 113-122. (Thomas J. McKay, co-author.) Conventionalism about Logical Truth, Philosophical Topics, 23:1 (Spring 1995), pp. 189-212. Induction and Modality, Philosophical Review, 100:3 (July 1991), pp. 399-430. Dictionary Articles Bayesian Rationality (p. 74), Doomsday Argument (p. 242), Envelope Paradox (p. 268), Grue Paradox (pp. 356-357), Qualitative Predicate (p. 762), in Robert Audi, ed., Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy (2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 1999). Professional Papers Presented The Ghost in the Multiverse, Workshop on Metaphysics & Philosophy of Religion, University of Texas at San Antonio, April 10, 2010. Mondadori and Mondadoris Body, Conference on Themes from Mondadori, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, November 5, 2008. Comments on Beiong Lees The Knower Paradox Revisited, Southwest Philosophical Society Convention, Memphis, Tennessee, 2 November 1997. A Reconsideration of an Argument against Compatibilism (co-authored and co-presented with Thomas McKay), Chicago, Illinois, American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, April 1995. How Do We Know that Contradictions are False?, Lincoln, Nebraska, University of Nebraska, August 1993. An Epitaph to Pythagoras, Syracuse, New York, Syracuse University, March 1993. Notes on Grue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin, fall 1985. Life after Death, Williamsburg, Virginia, College of William and Mary, spring 1985. Notes on Grue, Lincoln, Nebraska, University of Nebraska, fall 1983. Causation and Compound Events, Columbus, Ohio, Ohio State University, fall 1982. Against Nozick, Middletown, Connecticut, Wesleyan University, fall 1981. Passive Counterfactuals, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University, spring 1981. Hume on Induction, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Franklin and Marshall University, spring 1981. Grants Member of the NEH Summer Seminar on Naturalism, directed by Robert Audi, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, June-July 1993. Professional and University Service Referee for Nous, 1991. Chair of Philosophy, Yeshiva College of ƵɫƬ, 2006-2011. Areas of Specialization Epistemology Philosophical Logic Areas of Competence Logic Metaphysics Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Mind Philosophy of Science Philosophy of Religion Hume Ancient Greek Philosophy Medieval Philosophy Modern Philosophy Ethics Courses Taught Logic Introduction to Logic (Wesleyan, Ohio State, Missouri, Yeshiva) Symbolic Logic (Missouri, Yeshiva) Intermediate Logic (Wisconsin/Milwaukee) Advanced Logic (William and Mary, Missouri, Yeshiva) Philosophy of Science Philosophy of Science (Time and Relativity Theory), Wisconsin/Milwaukee Ethics Ethics (Yeshiva) Honors Ethics (Ohio State) Epistemology and Metaphysics Theory of Knowledge (Wisconsin/Milwaukee) Metaphysics and Epistemology (Connecticut) Philosophy of Language (Wesleyan, Yeshiva) Theories of the Mind (Yeshiva) Graduate Seminar in Metaphysics (Connecticut) Graduate Seminar in Epistemology (Ohio State) Graduate Seminar on Epistemology of Modality (Syracuse) Senior Seminar on Free Will (Missouri, Yeshiva) Senior Seminar on Miracles (Yeshiva) Senior Seminar on Modal Logic (Yeshiva) Senior Seminar on Truth (Yeshiva) Senior Seminar on Axiomatic Set Theory & Advanced Logic (Yeshiva) Senior Seminar on Gdels First Incompleteness Theorem (Yeshiva) Senior Seminar on Hume (Yeshiva) Introduction to Philosophy of Mind (UCLA) Metaphysics (UCLA) History of Philosophy Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (Yeshiva) Modern Philosophy (Wesleyan, Yeshiva) 20th Century Analytic Philosophy (Wesleyan, Yeshiva) Contemporary Philosophy (Syracuse) Introduction to Philosophy (William and Mary, Somerset, Ohio State, Connecticut, Syracuse, UCLA, Yeshiva)     PAGE  PAGE 1  5AC * + , G f % H S ` q w " # Y m FZŜ hmC5hmChWhWH* hW6 hW5hW hh h6 h Ch h C6h Ch h5ht"& ht"&6 ht"&5h#hkp hkp5hKYhKYH*hKY hKY5h7 hKY6 h76245brs   gdKY^gdKY ^`gdKY ^`gdKY @ ^@ `gd71V + , a b # $ g h ) * _ ` F G gdKYG H Q R # $ }~  gdKYUW   (,`f #+su5<DJTUj}h}z(< Lۼ伷ij䳯hh,a hB5hBh7h#h{ou h{ou5 he{S5 he{S6he{S hmC6hhmChDcM hDcM5 h5 h75Eabij \]^_`ghgde{SgdKY+,stu56;<gde{S<UVjk}~/0fgh~gde{S !LMyz'(ab gde{S LM  78_`'()*gd#^gd,gde{S ce%&')*+,-/124578:;=>DEFGHIOPQRSTUVWÿh!lA0JmHnHuh9h7 h70Jjh70JUhmjhmU hKYhKYhKY hkphkp h,ah,ah,ah,a56h!lAh2-Q5h#h,h,ah,aH* h,a5hh,a,*+,-/0134679:<=FGHSTUVWh]hgd7 &`#$gd9 ^`gdKY^gdKYgdKYgde{S,1h/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4@4 7Header  !.)@. 7 Page Number6U@6 2-Q Hyperlink >*B*phW845brs+,ab#$gh)*_`  FGHQR#$}~ a b   i j  \ ]  ^ _ ` g h +,stu56;<UVjk}~/0fgh~ !LMyz'(ab LM  78_`'()*+,-/0134679:<=FGHSTUX0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000@0h0@0h0h0h0h0h0@0h0h0@0@0h0 h{h0 $$$$$'W G < *WV  '!!8@0(  B S  ?R. 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