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ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Herbert S. and Naomi Denenberg Chair in Jewish Studies (February 2019 to present) Associate Professor with tenure, ƵɫƬ (June 2013 to present) Visiting Faculty at the YIVO-Bard Yiddish Summer Program (2011 to present) Assistant Professor, ƵɫƬ (2007-2013) Visiting Scholar at the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University (August 2012) Natalie and Mendel Racolin Memorial Fellowship at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research (2010-2011) Harry Starr Fellow in Judaica at Harvard University (2009-2010) Assistant Professor, Baltimore Hebrew University (September 2006June 2007) Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Jewish History (2005-2006) PUBLICATIONS Books: The Tragedy of a Generation: The Rise and Fall of Jewish Nationalism in Eastern Europe (Harvard University Press, 2013). Oyfn Sheydveg: At the Crossroads: Jewish Intellectuals and the Crisis of 1939. (Under contract) Part of the Academy Project at the Simon Dubnow Institute, Leipzig. (Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2020). Current Book Project: Rabbis in the Land of Atheism: The Struggle to Save Judaism in Bolshevik Russia Articles (Peer-Reviewed): Zelig Kalmanovitch: Translating Josephus into Yiddish, in on-line Josephus Reception Archive (JRA). Access at http://josephus.orinst.ox.ac.uk/archives/879. Between External Persecution and National Renaissance: Simon Dubnovs Lachrymose Vision of Russian-Jewish History, in Jews in the East European Borderlands: Essays in Honor of John D. Klier, edited by Eugene M. Avrutin and Harriet Murav (Academic Studies Press, 2012). Between Martyrology and Historiography: Elias Tcherikower and the Making of a Pogrom Historian, East European Jewish Affairs (December 2008). In the Age of Haman: Shimon Dubnow and His Students on the Eve of the Second World War, Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook, IV (2005). At the Crossroads between War and Genocide: A Reassessment of Jewish Ideology in 1940, Jewish Social Studies, Vol.11, No. 2 (Winter 2005). Articles (In Progress): A History of the Jewish Nation: Dubnows Concept of World History, recruited as introductory essay to the magazine Jdische Geschichte & Kultur of the Simon Dubnow Institute, Leipzig, Germany, June 2020. Who by Death and Who by Desertion: Rabbinic Responses to the Agunah Crisis of World War I Yiddishism and the Dilemmas of National Autonomy: The Cases of Lithuania and Latvia. Book Reviews: Review of Kenneth B. Moss, Jewish Renaissance in the Russian Revolution, (Cambridge MA, Harvard University Press, 2009). Jewish History Vol. 27, Issue 1 (March 2013). Review of Cecile Esther Kuznitz, YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture: Scholarship for the Yiddish Nation (New York, NY, Cambridge University Press, 2014) Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry. Available on-line at www.aapjstudies.org/212. Papers Presented Jewish Religious Marriage and Divorce in the Soviet Union: A Look at the Rabbinic Responsa, to be presented at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Euroasian Studies Conference, November 2019. Spiritual Defiance: Life in the Vilna and Warsaw Ghettoes, presented to the Mount Kisco Hebrew Congregation (April 2019). Invited to speak about current research project on Soviet rabbinic culture as a discussant in the panel, Trends in Eastern European Jewish Studies, Part 1: Research, at the Alumni Conference Marking the 15th Anniversary of the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem (July 2018) Organized conference, World War I, Nationalism, and Jewish Culture, held at ƵɫƬ and sponsored by the YU Center for Israel Studies (April 2018). Also presented Who by Death and Who by Desertion: Rabbinic Responses to the Agunah Crisis at this conference. Organized and moderated the roundtable panel, Remembering Ezra Mendelsohn: Historian of East European Jewry, at the Association for Jewish Studies (2016) The Elusive Quest for Normalization: Zelig Hirsh Kalmanovitch and the Crisis of the 1930s, presented at the Lavy International Conference, The Polish Jewish Condition? Polish Jewish Social Thought and the Challenge of the 1930s, Johns Hopkins University (December 2014) (Participation by invitation only). The Tragedy of a Generation: The Rise and Fall of Jewish Nationalism in Eastern Europe, presented at the Jews in Modern Europe Lecture Series at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University (March 2014). Polishness and Jewishness in the Cultural Nationalist Vision of I. L. Peretz, presented to the Association for Jewish Studies (December 2013) Interwar Poland: Good for the Jews? presented to the Young Israel of Scarsdale, (May 2013).  $urban Polin: Polish Jewry Reacts to its Destruction 1939-1945, presented to the Young Israel of Scarsdale (June 2013). Organized and participated in a roundtable discussion,  What is Diaspora Nationalism?: Toward a Definition and Research Agenda, the Association for Jewish Studies (December 2012). To the Battlefield or Back to the Ghetto? The Diaspora Nationalist Debate on the Eve of World War Two, presented to the Jewish Studies Colloquium of Yeshiva College (April 2011). Discovering Gods Plan in Catastrophe: Zelig Hirsh Kalmanovitch in the Vilna Ghetto, presented at the Young Israel of Queens Valley as scholar-in-residence (May 2011) Integrale Yidishkeyt: Modern Yiddish Cultures Turn Inward in Response to the Holocaust, presented as the Natalie and Mendel Racolin Memorial Lecture at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research (February 2011). Diaspora Nationalism and Yiddishism between Hope and Despair: The Case of Revolutionary Russia, presented at the conference, Rethinking the History of Jewish Nationalism: An International Symposium at UCLA (January 2011). (Invitation Only) "Creating a Nationalist Scholarship in Yiddish: The Cultural Work of Zelig Hirsh Kalmanovitch, 1908-1915," presented to the Association for Jewish Studies (December 2010). At the Crossroads: Simon Dubnov and His Disciples at the Eve of World War II, presented at the International Conference, Historicizing the Jewish People: Simon Dubnov at 150 at the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University. (November 2010). (Invitation Only) Autonomist Politics in Revolutionary Russia, presented at the Harry Starr Fellowship Seminar at Harvard University (March 2010). "The Romanovs and the Jews: Between Collective Memory and Historiography," presented to the conference, Jews in the East European Borderlands: Daily Life, Violence, Memory at University of Illinois (April 2009). (Invitation Only) Between Politics and Culture: Diaspora Nationalism in Revolutionary Russia, presented to the Association for Jewish Studies (December 2008). Diaspora Nationalism in Revolutionary Russia: Between Utopianism and Realism, presented to the Jewish Studies Colloquium of Yeshiva College (March 2008). Martyrology and Historiography in the Works of Elias Tcherikower, presented to the Association for Jewish Studies (December 2006). Yiddishism as Redemptive Nationalism: Zelig Kalmanovitchs Vision of Jewish Culture in the Era of Autonomy in Lithuania (1921-1924), presented to the Association for Jewish Studies (December 2005). At the Crossroads of Crisis and Continuity in a Journal of Counter-Emancipation, presented to the Association for Jewish Studies (December 2000). Peretz, Prophecy, and Piety in the Writings of Zelig Hirsh Kalmanovitch, presented to the Association for Jewish Studies (December 1999). TEACHING EXPERIENCE Courses taught: Jewish Martyrdom: Kiddush Hashem from the First Crusade through the Holocaust (Spring 2020) Jewish Intellectual Responses to Nazism. Undergraduate Elective Course (2013) Graduate Course (Spring 2015) East European Jewry, 1648-1917. Graduate Course (2011, 2012, 2014). Undergraduate Elective Course (2013, 2018). On-Line Undergraduate Course (2017, 2018, 2019). Vilna: A Jewish Cultural Metropolis: 1700-1943. Undergraduate Elective Course (2012, 2017, 2019) Graduate Course (Spring 2014, Summer 2016) Modern Jewish History, 1650-1967. Undergraduate Survey (2006 to present) Medieval Jewish History, 312-1492. Undergraduate Survey Course (2006 to present) Classical Jewish History, 586 BCE-312 CE. Undergraduate Survey (2010, 2011) East European Jewry Confronts Modernity: The Russian Haskalah and the Rabbinic Response. Graduate Course (2007 2020). The History of Lithuanian Rabbinic Culture, 1750-1939. Graduate Course (2008) From the Marketplace to the Theater: The Emergence of Modern Yiddish Culture. Graduate Course. (2006, 2011, 2012, 2015). Undergraduate Elective Course (Spring 2015) East European Jewish History through the Prism of Drashot (Sermons). Graduate Course (2017, 2019). Undergraduate Course (2019) Jewish Modernity in Lithuania: From Talmud and Mussar to Revolution and Zionism. Graduate Course (2017, 2019) Visiting Faculty at YIVOs Uriel Weinreich Program in Yiddish Language, Literature and Culture: East European Jewish History, 1648-1939 (Summer 2011) The Emergence of Modern Yiddish Culture (Summer 2012present) Visiting Faculty at the YIVO Bard Winter Program on Ashkenazi Civilization Jewish Intellectual Responses to Nazism (Winter 2017) Teaching Assistant (JTS): Vilna: History of a Jewish Cultural Citadel (2003). Modern Jewish History (Section Leader, 2003) Historiography as Meta-History (2002). Medieval Jewish History (1998, 1999, 2003). HONORS/ AWARDS 2018-2019-- Chelst, Schreiber and Zwas Book Grant awarded by Yeshiva College to cover the costs of travel to archives in Israel and of student research assistance for the book project, Soviet Rabbinic Culture. 2016-present. Member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Center for Jewish History (by invitation) 2013 Chelst Book AwardAwarded grant from Yeshiva College to help defray the cost of the publication of The Tragedy of a Generation. 2012-2015. New York City Seminar in Jewish History: New Directions (by invitation only). Organized by Professors Elisheva Carlebach, Hasia Diner and David Sorkin. 2007-2008 Lillian F. and William L. Silber Professor of the Year Award (selected by the students of Yeshiva College) (2007-2008). Participant in the First International Forum of Young Scholars of East European Jewry in Leipzig, Germany, sponsored by the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry at the Hebrew University and the Simon Dubnow Center for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University (Participation Competitive) (July 2004). The Lady Davis Doctoral Fellowship at the Hebrew University (declined for personal reasons) (2003-04). Research Prize from the Golomb Fund of the Committee Pro-Yiddish (2002). Stanley J. Friedman Graduate Fellowship in Jewish History (2000-2001, 2002-2003). The First and Second International Seminars in Yiddish Studies for advanced Yiddish students (Participation competitive) (in Israel, Summer 1999 and in New York, Summer 2001). Rabbi Joel S. and Sylvia M. Geffen Prize, Graduate School of JTS (May 1999). Abraham Berliner Prize in Jewish History, JTS (May 1999). Charles H. Revson Fellowship, Advanced Jewish Studies (1997-1999). Maryland Distinguished Scholar Award--1990-1994. Phi Beta Kappa and Golden Key Honor Society in junior year (1993). ADDITIONAL STUDY Uriel Weinreich Program in Yiddish Language, Literature and Culture (Summers 1997 and 1998) UNIVERSITY SERVICE Appointed by Provost Selma Botman to Search Committee for the Emil A. and Jenny Fish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at ƵɫƬ (2019) Member of central committee of ƵɫƬ Center for Israel Studies (2017to present) Organized an international conference, World War I, Nationalism, and Jewish Culture for the Center for Israel Studies (2018) Honors Program Committee of Yeshiva College (2014-2017). Committee on Academic Assessment. Every semester, I prepare the assessment report for Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools for courses offered in the Bernard Revel Graduate School. (2013-present) Majors Advisor. Advised Jewish Studies majors in Yeshiva College regarding which courses to take in the coming semester in order to fulfill their major requirements. (2010-2011). Interviewer for admission to Honors Program at Yeshiva College (2008-2009, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017) Advanced Placement Jewish History Examination Committee. Co-wrote and graded the ƵɫƬ Advanced Placement Examination in Modern Jewish History (2008, 2009, 2011) Committee for Doctoral Oral Comprehensive Exams, Bernard Revel Graduate School. Second-reader of dissertation, Bernard Revel Graduate School. Reader for ƵɫƬ Press. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Article Manuscript Referee: Jewish History Jewish Quarterly Review Book Manuscript Reviewer: Harvard University Press ƵɫƬ Press PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Association for Jewish Studies Association for Slavic, East European, and Euroasian Studies Association for Israel Studies     PAGE  PAGE 7  :T @ A [ v    # $ , Q R S h j  R Ⱦܭ܉xsnind h[\ h\ h \ hd)\h@@h@@5\ hx5\hM h@@5\h@@h:5\ hh>xh>< hh>5\hLVSh:6]hLVShLVS6]hLVShYh[DGhfhxh:h;h;5H*\ h;5\ h}5\ h:5\'':GUWbd @ A [   Q R S i gd]< gd: (gd: <gdf <gd: gd:i j  R ^ ' ( ) 6 > ? gd/gd[~gd[ 5$7$8$H$gd$> 5$7$8$H$gd@@ ] ^ ' ) 5 6 ; < = > ? d &\_}ɿ}yuqjfb^hGh]<h[~ h~Oh:h\Whxh h\Wh:6h\Wh:6]h\W6>*]h h.h6 h16h[h~Oh:5 h15\ h\W5\h~Oh:5\ hx5\h$> h@@h@@h h@@h$Th$T\ hw6\ h=f\ h[\ h1\$xFhmq}5FGH(?\Ƚ}yh* h:6 h:6]hb_v h}h:h}h:6hlhGh' Sh1 h16h\WhSR6hSRh)1 h=h=h=h\Wh\W5h_hr) h\5\hh5\ h5\h[h:h\W/GH\]uvFG  \gd^mgd/\]sv :;EFG &RTUc&WuǿǸxtlh^mhl]h^m h^mh^m h^m] hxy6hxyh~hf)hf)6h' hf)0J] hf)QJ hxy5 hf)5hf) hC"hC"hC"hC"6hC"hA JhA JhA J\hA J6\]hA JhA J6\] hA J\ hl5hlhl5hl'-2*NgsKRn t?Afodt/ ~ ξ鞢颚hGh:sh\h'hEh#\h.hh hU=h hhxyh0Ihm&.hm&.6hhm&.hMhMH*hMhC" h]<h]<h]<h%z$hxBRh~Oh:5CJ6\n A/ !`"R##%%%&''@())(*)***+*,*gd gdKgd@@gdRtgdgd^m !!!9"X"_"`"a"""'#(#/#?#Q#R##########K$Z$y$$$%$%%%&%Q%%%%%&&Ŀ|wssh= h1\h h \ h \h h~<h0U hKhKhKhZ&h@@h*h_m hRt\ h \ h0U\ h2\hb_vh2\hb_vh\ h\hRthRt\h hhhh6h#\h:sh1+&S&T&z&{&&&&&&'''''(>(?((((()))))***-*/*********+++++<+=+A+O+S+Y+_+üڭ h1]h~<h1] h^m] h ] hy] h ] hr)]h(wWh~<h2hG h:5\ h5\ hN5\h?rhw6hSh@@h:h h=\h h<1h= h1h= h~<h=2,*-*.*/*C*E*U**+N,,,6---.#////*0h0 1$5$7$8$H$gd  1$5$7$8$H$gdr) 1$5$7$8$H$gd?r 1$5$7$8$H$gdG 1$5$7$8$H$gd^m 1$5$7$8$H$_+++++++++++,,,,!,",4,5,?,L,M,N,n,q,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-(-)-*-.-0-4-6-D-ѳǯ| h~<hN h~<hG h~<hw6 h~<h(wWh~<h2]h~<h(wW] h~<h?rh1 h~<h/h~<h/] h!] h1] hU=]h~<hG]h~<h1] h%z$] hC"] h0I] h ] hhG] h1].D----------------H.I.J.Z.[.\.`.f.l.r.s....//"/#//////////½ή΢{wsl hhhh7hh: h~<h:h~<h0I]h%z$hhGh0Ih(wWh h^mhm{ h~<hw6h~<h?r] h1] hm{] h~<h(wW h~<h?rh~<h(wW]hr) h~<hx h~<h/ h~<h h1 hr)]*//:0A0h0000011111"111:1O1g11111111111111222222ļ}v}qld`hChm8JhC6 hm8J6 hM6 hm8Jhm8Jhm8Jh;MhR+5\ hC5\ h$>5\ h:5\h:h~<h:5\ h~<h<1 h~<h:h~<h2]h~<h:] h~<6] h?rh2h<1h?r h2h2h2 hhh <hh%h0i000011:1g11111111112 3344465$7$8$H$gdR+gd;Mgd<1gd^ 1$5$7$8$H$gd 1$5$7$8$H$gd?r222 3^3b3m3q3333333333444z4444255555566 6C6c6666666h777777186888899h\h\5\hnChnC5hnCB*aJphhnChw6h:OJQJaJh1 hm&.hm&.h5Yh:hR+hR+\ hR+\ h \ hm&.\ h;M\ hm8Jh;M hm8J6hm8Jh;M hChChC36o66 77 8E888888999n9o9p999":::9; <<#=gd<1gdw6   1$7$8$H$gdnC999n9p9999::!:":::::1;6;8;9;\;o;q;u;;;; < < <#<$<<<<< ===!="=#=4=I=P=ꅁ}vrhod h<1h<1hm&.h h h5Yhw6hw6\ hw6\ hG\ hf\ h <\ hy\hU=hU=\ hU=\ hYX\ hm&.\ h\ hYXhyh3i hYXhYXhYXh\h\5\h<1h\ h\5\ h:5\,P=[======>!>">?>^>a>b>>>>>>/?0?1?2?K?L?????????????????????????ĺ|h|0JmHnHuh\ h\0Jjh\0JUh!dCjh!dCUh: h:5\hhGh7hodhod5\ hf85\ hod5\hf8hf8\ hf86 hf85hf8h"hfh5Yh\hod0#==">b>>>>>>>>>>?0?1?2?L?k??????????gd7gd\gd\??????????????????????????h]h&`#$?????h:h!dCh\ h\0J,1h/ =!"#$% s2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_H mH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH :@:  Heading 1$@&5\DA`D Default Paragraph FontZiZ  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k (No List 4 @4 Footer  !.)@. 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