ࡱ> DBE` hbjbj .0h4$8SUUUUUUfhU===Uj=:S=S, w*S0PLPP\ 1UU ====  SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHIPS DOCTORAL STUDENTS- 2008-2009 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS FOUNDATION  HYPERLINK "http://www.nasw" www.naswfoundation.org/fellowships.asp Awarded to students whose dissertation is focused on welfare and health policy & practice Jane Aron Doctoral Fellowship- supports dissertation research on health care policy & practice Eileen Blacky Doctoral Fellowship- supports dissertation research in welfare policy & practice FORD FOUNDATION DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP FOR MINORITIES  HYPERLINK "http://www.national-academics.org/osep/fo" www.national-academics.org/osep/fo Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:inforfell@nas.edu" inforfell@nas.edu AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF MINORITY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM  HYPERLINK "http://www.apa.org/mfp/" www.apa.org/mfp/ Applicants must demonstrate strong commitment to a career in ethnic minority mental health and substance abuse services. Applicants should be enrolled full-time in APA-accredited doctoral program. African-Americans, American Indian, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders are encouraged to apply. MHSAS Applications- 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 202-336-6127- Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mfp@apa.org" mfp@apa.org SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL  HYPERLINK "http://www.national-academics.org/fellowships" www.national-academics.org/fellowships Sponsors pre-doctoral fellowships and advanced research grant programs SOCIAL WORK FELLOWSHIP Awards up to $5,000. per year. To be eligible for this fellowship, applicant must be an MSW from accredited school of social work or be a student in a DSW program, be licensed by the state to practice as a masters level clinical social worker and work in a bleeding disorder program. National Hemophilia Foundation- 1-800-42-HANDI ext 3745 DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS & FELLOWSHIPS Page 2 JOHN A. HARTFORD FOUNDATION  HYPERLINK "http://www.gswi.org/programs services/doctoral fellows.html" www.gswi.org/programs services/doctoral fellows.html or call 617-552-3925 Provides substantial financial support and professional development enhance-ments for outstanding doctoral students at dissertation stage in subjects related issues related to older persons and gerontology. 2 cycles February and August SPENCER FOUNDATION DISSERTATION FELLOWSHIPS  HYPERLINK "http://www.spencer.org" www.spencer.org Applicants must be candidates for a doctoral degree from a graduate school and need not be U.S. citizens. Graduate study may be in any academic discipline or professional field. These fellowships are not intended to finance data collection or completion of doctoral course work but rather to support the final analysis of research topic and writing of dissertation. HARRY FRANK GUGGENHEIM FOUNDATION Foundation welcomes proposals from any of the social sciences/humanities that promises to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations and control of violence, aggression and dominance in the modern world. Deadline: Feb.2009 FELLOWSHIP COORDINATOR, HARRY FRANK GUGGENHEIM FOUNDATION 527 Madison Avenue, NY 10022 DOCTORAL TRAINING GRANT IN ONCOLOGY SOCIAL WORK  HYPERLINK "http://www.cancer.org/research-" www.cancer.org/research- electronic application process information Specific information- ginger.krawiec@cancer.org Applications for American Cancer Society Doctoral Training Grants in Oncology Social Work are now available. These grants support the training of graduate students in doctoral programs focused on research related to the psychosocial needs of persons with cancer and their families. Application must outline a plan of study and indicate how the proposed program will prepare the candidate for a career in social work oncology research. The initial application is for a 2 year grant with annual funding of $20,000. with possibility of a 2 year competitive renewal. Contact Shannon Mejri, Program Assistant, Health Professional Training Grants American Cancer Society, Extramural Grants Department 250 Williams Street, NW, 6th Floor, Atlanta, GA 30303-1002 404-329-7605 9kl  E F G i j k r s ҿݰҥ҄ݰҡqd\htB*phhtht0JB*ph$jhthtB*Uph$jhthtB*Uph h'6 ht6hth zhtB*phhtht0J>*B*ph$jhthtB*UphhthtB*phjhthtB*Uph ht5 ha=5>* ht5>*"89k   Z s t k . {  x ^gd z`gd zgdt$a$gdth    , - . x     ( ) 殦wdWOEh +_5B*phh;OB*phh;Oh;O0JB*ph$jh;Oh;OB*Uphh;Oh;OB*phjh;Oh;OB*Uphh;O5B*phh z5B*phh zB*phh zhtB*phh zh z0J>*B*ph$jh zh zB*Uphh zh zB*phjh zh zB*Uphht5B*ph  ) BKLNOP}~1Jgd_jO^gd +_$a$gd_jOgd +_^gd z) * e f g LP|}~0𻱻peRpCp;hkI4B*phhkI4hkI40J>*B*ph$jhkI4hkI4B*UphhkI4hkI4B*phjhkI4hkI4B*UphhkI4h +_5B*phhkI4h +_B*phh_jOh +_5>*B*phh_jO5>*B*phh +_5B*phh +_B*phh +_h +_0J>*B*ph$juh +_h +_B*Uphh +_h +_B*phjh +_h +_B*Uph01JKopqcde·•·܍܍{qf\Ljh Ph PB*Uphh&f5B*phh_jOh6gB*phhm(5B*phhm(B*phh6g5B*phh6gB*phh_jOh_jO0J>*B*ph$jh_jOh_jOB*Uphh_jOh_jOB*phjh_jOh_jOB*Uphh_jO5B*phh_jOB*phhkI4B*phh +_B*phhkI4hkI4B*phJfi7Dbce :(}Lzgd_jO 9:H{')Z[^_`acdeѼ|qi^SF>htht5h zh;O5B*phh +_h +_B*phh +_hkI4B*phhkI4B*phh&fh PB*phh Ph P5B*phh Ph P5B*H*phh P5B*phh&fB*phh PhpB*phhpB*phh PB*phh Ph P0JB*phjh Ph PB*Uph$jh Ph PB*Uphh Ph PB*ph HYZ[_`abcdeghgdt^gd zgd +_^gd +_gd_jOegh htht ht6,1h/ =!"#$% DyK  www.naswyK :http://www.nasw/yX;H,]ą'c'DyK #www.national-academics.org/osep/foyK lhttp://www.national-academics.org/osep/foyX;H,]ą'cDyK inforfell@nas.eduyK Jmailto:inforfell@nas.eduyX;H,]ą'cDyK www.apa.org/mfp/yK Hhttp://www.apa.org/mfp/yX;H,]ą'cDyK  mfp@apa.orgyK >mailto:mfp@apa.orgyX;H,]ą'c7DyK 'www.national-academics.org/fellowshipsyK thttp://www.national-academics.org/fellowshipsyX;H,]ą'coDyK 5www.gswi.org/programs services/doctoral fellows.htmlyK http://www.gswi.org/programs services/doctoral fellows.htmlyX;H,]ą'cDyK www.spencer.orgyK Hhttp://www.spencer.org/yX;H,]ą'cDyK www.cancer.org/research-yK Xhttp://www.cancer.org/research-yX;H,]ą'c@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List6U@6 t Hyperlink >*B*phh089kZst k.{x )BKLNOP}~1  J  f  i  7 D b c e : (}Lz HYZ[_`abcdegj@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0 ) 0eh  Jhhk Fir,)fJ p hXXXXXXXXX |" |b b b Db b b b Db b b b Db b b b Db E E Y \  11:=j      H [ a a $$8<GGj   > *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PostalCode:*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsStreetB *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region;*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsaddress9 *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsState p M    }}j\`{CE  g k j r : ).~GKMXj33333333333333333333333j k v c e ^gjjkI4a=_jO P +_6g z&f;Oep'\pm(t)@h@@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"qh4fd[&)4f Or r !24``2HP)?t2SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHIPS Joel Karpp Joel Karpp SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHIPS Titlex  LT \ h t |L X ` l  _PID_HLINKSEktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktContentSubType EktFolderName EktCmsPath EktGoLiveDate EktExpiryType EktDateCreatedEktDateModifiedEktTaxCategoryEktDisabledTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescription EktInPermekttaxonomyenabled EktAddressEktRSVPA 6+* http://www.cancer.org/research-w$http://www.spencer.org/l{<http://www.gswi.org/programs services/doctoral fellows.htmlR.http://www.national-academics.org/fellowships@w mailto:mfp@apa.org5> http://www.apa.org/mfp/*mailto:inforfell@nas.edu *http://www.national-academics.org/osep/foFhttp://www.nasw/k#  DownloadAsset.aspx?id=9067e@ NZG@` TG@TGdSummary &lt;p&gt;SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHIPS DOCTORAL STUDENTS- 2008-2009 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS FOUNDATION www.naswfoundation.org/fellowships .asp Awarded to students whose dissertation is focused on welfare and health policy &amp;amp; practice Jane Aron Doctoral Fellowship- supports disser-2009 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS FOUNDATION www.naswfoundation.org/fellowships .asp Awarded to students whose dissertation is focused on welfare and health policy &amp;amp; practice Jane Aron Doctoral Fellowship- supports dissertation research on heal&lt;/p&gt;\&lt;p&gt;SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHIPS DOCTORAL STUDENTS- 2008-2009 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS FOUNDATION www.naswfoundation.org/fellowships .asp Awarded to students whose dissertation is focused on welfare and health policy &amp;amp; practice Jane Aron Doctoral Fellowship- supports dissertation research on heal&lt;/p&gt;EktTaxCategory09.docInternal AdministratorInternal Administrator\&lt;p&gt;SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHIPS DOCTORAL STUDENTS- 2008՜.+,D՜.+,x4  (` tation research on heal&lt;/p&gt;\&lt;p&gt;SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHIPS DOCTORAL STUDENTS- 2008-2009 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS FOUNDATION www.naswfoundation.org/fellowships .asp Awarded to students whose dissertation is focused on welfare and health policy &amp;amp; practice Jane Aron Doctoral Fellowship- supports disserEktDisabledTaxCategoryhttp:/tation research on heal&lt;/p&gt;http://www.nasw/  "#$%&'()*+,-.012345689:;<=>ARoot Entry FCData 1Table!PWordDocument.0SummaryInformation(/DocumentSummaryInformation87CompObjq ;  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:P<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO[QRSTUVWXYZ\]  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qOh+'0`P h\ p@B @"@p@r 'wssw_doctoral_sch_fellowships_08Root Entry FVLCData 1Table!PWordDocument.0  "#$%&'()*+,-.01234568/97N՜.+,D՜.+,D hp|  YU` SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHIPS Titleh 8@ _PID_HLINKSA 6+* http://www.cancer.org/research-w$http://www.spencer.org/l{<http://www.gswi.org/programs services/doctoral fellows.htmlR.http://www.national-academics.org/fellowships@w mailto:mfp@apa.org5> http://www.apa.org/mfp/*mailto:inforfell@nas.edu *http://www.national-academics.org/osep/foFhttp://www.nasw/SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8 CompObjq