Faculty Directory
Tadashi Hashimoto


Associate Professor of Economics


Beren campus - 215 Lexington Ave
Room #710A

Wilf campus - Belfer Hall
Room #535

PhD in Business Administration, Stanford University, 2013
MA in Economics, University of Tokyo, 2008
BA in Economics, University of Tokyo, 2006
  • "Managerial Myopia, Earnings Guidance, and Investment" (with Cyrus Aghamolla), Contemporary Accounting Research, Volume 40, Issue 1, Spring 2023, Pages 166-195.
  • "Aggressive Boards and CEO Turnover" (with Cyrus Aghamolla), Journal of Accounting Research, Volume 59, Issue 2,  May 2021, Pages 437-486.
  • "Information Arrival, Delay, and Clustering in Financial Markets with Dynamic Freeriding," (with Cyrus Aghamolla), Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 138, Issue 1, October 2020, Pages 27-52.
  • "The Generalized Random Priority Mechanism with Budgets," Journal of Economic Theory, 177 (2018), 708-733.
  • "Two Axiomatic Approaches to the Probabilistic Serial Mechanism" (with Daisuke Hirata, Onur Kesten, Morimitsu Kurino, and Utku Ãœnver), Theoretical Economics, 9 (2014), 253-277.
  • "Equilibrium Selection, Inefficiency, and Instability in Internet Advertising Auctions," Sixth Ad Auctions Workshop, 2010.
  • "Corrigendum to "Games with Imperfectly Observable Actions in Continuous Time,"" Econometrica, Vol. 78, No. 3 (May, 2010), 1155-1159.

Beren campus - 215 Lexington Ave
Room #710A

Wilf campus - Belfer Hall
Room #535


To request an interview, please contact Media Relations at 212-960-5400 x5488 or publicaffairs@yu.edu

Spring 2020
Game Theory & Behavioral Econ
ECON 1177


Microeconomics II
ECO 5102


Fall 2019
Game Theory
ECO 1177


Auctions and Market Design
ECO 2801


Independent Study
ECO 4901


Spring 2019
Microeconomics II
ECO 5102


Game Theory & Behavioral Econ
ECON 1177


Summer 2018
Masters Thesis
ECON 6000


Spring 2018
Independent Study
ECO 4901


Market Design
ECON 5115


Fall 2017
Game Theory
ECO 1177


Game Theory & Behavioral Econ
ECON 1177


Spring 2017
Independent Study
ECO 4901


Market Design
ECON 5115


Masters Thesis
ECON 6000