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Office of Disability Services

Welcome to the Office of Disability Services.

The Office of Disability Services (ODS) collaborates with students, faculty, and staff to provide reasonable accommodations and services to students with disabilities. In serving as a resource to the 成人视频色情片 community, our goal is to provide access to campus programs and activities, thereby empowering students with disabilities to actualize their full academic and personal potentials.

成人视频色情片 provides reasonable accommodations to students who submit documentation from a qualified professional to ODS in a timely fashion. Reasonable accommodations and other related services are individualized based upon each student鈥檚 disability-related documentation and needs, as well as YU program requirements.

Accommodations include, but are not limited to:

  • testing accommodations
  • use of a computer for exams
  • materials in alternate format
  • provision of assistive technology

Below is a list of procedures and services that are provided by ODS. Please be aware that this may not be an exhaustive list.

Please note that you MUST be registered with our office to receive disability accommodations.


Dear prospective students,

At the Office of Disability Services, we know that students with disabilities may have different concerns than typical college students. We also know that your parents/guardians are accustomed to playing a very active role in your education. The change in services and responsibility in the college environment can seem unfamiliar and we are aware that many high schools may not prepare students for the differences they will encounter at college. We hope that the information on this page and others on our website will give you the information you need to become comfortable with the post-secondary disability services world so that you can successfully navigate this new environment.

Since you are now an adult, your role may need some adjustments. In college, students with disabilities are responsible for self-identifying to the Office of Disability Services and requesting accommodations. At this point, your parent may encourage you to apply for necessary accommodations and may provide your documentation. That said, this is your opportunity and responsibility to become empowered and make your own decisions.

You can help yourself begin the ODS registration process by:

  • Looking over the Disability Services website
  • Going over your most recent psycho-educational evaluation; making sure that you know what the diagnosis says so that you can explain what accommodations could be helpful
  • Visiting our Documentation Guidelines section below for information on specific disability requirements to be sure that you come to 成人视频色情片 with all of the necessary paperwork and understand the procedure for requesting accommodations

We hope that gaining familiarity with the services and procedures at 成人视频色情片 will help you in your decision to pursue accommodations, and assist you in gathering the necessary materials to make the process go smoothly.

  • Register with the Office of Disability Services (ODS).
  • Provide current, written documentation from a qualified practitioner that describes the nature of the disability, functional limitations associated with the disability, severity of these limitations, and recommended reasonable accommodations.
  • Review accommodation requests with ODS.
  • Submit accommodation letters to faculty and discuss reasonable accommodations at the start of the semester.
  • Communicate with faculty to arrange each exam accommodation at least ONE WEEK before the exam.
  • File documentation with appropriate individuals to request accommodations for final exam period.
  • Alert the Office of Disability Services if any difficulties are encountered regarding the implementation of accommodations.

Students in 成人视频色情片 who wish to receive accommodations must self disclose by registering with The Office of Disability Services (ODS). ODS has established the following process for registration:

  • Complete an Intake form.
  • Gather and submit current documentation of your disability.
  • To register as a student with a learning disability or ADD/ADHD, you must submit a current psycho-educational or neuro-psychological evaluation. For all other disabilities you may submit documentation completed by a qualified health professional/clinician. Please refer to our Disability Documentation Guidelines section below and choose the one specific to your disability to use as a guide.
  • After you have submitted the Intake form and disability documentation, ODS will be happy to meet with you to discuss reasonable accommodations and other supports available to you at 成人视频色情片.
  • Each semester, you will meet with ODS to discuss accommodations for your courses and any accessibility needs. You will be given accommodation letters to submit to your professors.
  • Accommodation letters must be submitted to your professors at least ONE WEEK prior to any exam. Please confirm that your professor can accommodate you for each exam.

成人视频色情片 provides reasonable accommodations to students who submit documentation from a qualified professional to ODS in a timely fashion. Reasonable accommodations and other related services are individualized based on each student's disability-related documentation and needs, as well as YU program requirements.

Accommodations include, but are not limited to:

  • Testing accommodations
  • Note-takers
  • Use of a computer for exams
  • Materials in alternate format
  • Provision of assistive technology

Reasonable accommodations do not negate requirements for successful completion of a course or program, or adherence to acceptable standards of behavior. It is important to note that some accommodations may not be appropriate in all courses.

  • Students with documented disabilities are generally expected to take their exams with the rest of the class unless approved to take exams in a reduced distraction location.
  • Accommodations will be implemented as needed by the professor for in-class exams.
  • In the event that the professor is unable to provide accommodations or if you require accommodations that cannot be provided in the classroom, please complete the Exam in a Reduced Distraction Location form.
  • The request for reduced distraction exam administration MUST be submitted at least ONE WEEK before the exam to ensure that this accommodation will be granted.
  • Requests for new or updated accommodations must be made by students before the end of the semester.  There will be no new or revised accommodations provided during the week of finals. Please contact ODS at the beginning of the next semester to discuss potential new or revised accommodations.

  • ODS has laptops for loan to students with disabilities who require this accommodation for exams. Please complete the Equipment Loan Agreement and submit to ODS.
  • Assistive technology may be accessible through ODS and arrangement may be made as needed.

Files and reports kept in ODS are considered confidential and registration with ODS is not indicated on a student's transcript.

ODS provides community resource referrals including testing venues. If you are interested in pursuing an evaluation for a learning disability and/or ADHD, please contact ODS for more information.

Although ODS will help to identify a provider that will best meet your needs, ODS does not pay for the evaluation process or for diagnostic testing.

All students with disabilities are encouraged to enhance their own safety through advance planning and preparation for emergency situations.

  • Students with Mobility, Visual, Auditory, or Emotional impairments may need to make special arrangements to ensure that they remain safe in an emergency.
  • Emergency evacuation training may be provided to students who identify as having a need for special arrangements.

Documentation Guidelines

  1. Testing must be current: administered within the past three to five years (No earlier than 10th grade). Although learning disabilities are generally considered to be lifelong, the provision of all reasonable accommodations and services is based upon assessment of the current impact of the student's disabilities on his/her academic performance. Therefore, it is necessary to provide current documentation.
  2. Dates of testing must be included in the report.
  3. Testing must be performed by a qualified evaluator who is unrelated to the student by birth or marriage: clinical or educational psychologists, neuro-psychologists, learning disabilities specialists, or physicians known to specialize in learning disabilities.
  4. Relevant Testing:
    • Actual scores from all instruments must be provided with standard scores and percentile rank scores.
    • The most recent edition of each assessment instrument must be administered.
    • The report must indicate the norm-reference group. For example, the report must specifically indicate how the student performs in relation to the average person in the general population.
  5. A diagnosis as per the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - V (DSM-V) is required. Terms such as "learning problems," "learning differences," "weaknesses," etc., are not the equivalent of a learning disability.
  6. Testing must demonstrate that a learning disability substantially limits a major life activity, and indicate how the student's current participation in courses, programs, services, or any other activity of the University may be affected with or without the use of mitigating measures. Toward this end, a diagnosis of a learning disability may not sufficiently demonstrate a need for the requested accommodations.

Please also note:  While a student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may be submitted as evidence of past accommodations, it alone is not sufficient documentation. An IEP is the plan that the student's high school team developed to promote the student's academic success.

Neuro-psychological or psycho-educational assessments are needed to determine the current impact of the condition on the individual's academic functioning. Because of the challenge of distinguishing normal behaviors and developmental patterns of adolescents and adults (e.g., procrastination, disorganization, distractibility, restlessness, boredom, academic under-achievement or failure, low self-esteem, chronic tardiness or inattendance) from clinically significant impairment, a multifaceted evaluation should address the intensity and frequency of the symptoms and whether these behaviors constitute an impairment which substantially limits a major life activity.

In addition, the Verification of Disability Form for Providers may be completed.


Documentation of psychiatric disabilities must include all of the following elements:

  1. The evaluation must be performed by a qualified individual: The assessment must be provided by a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, or clinical social worker unrelated to the student by birth or marriage. An assessment from a general physician typically will not suffice.
  2. Currency of documentation: Evaluations should be dated within 6 months of the date of ODS registration. Older evaluations will be considered if submitted with more recent supplemental documentation. In addition, documentation will need to be updated at the beginning of each academic year in order to assess up-to-date accommodation needs. ODS reserves the right to adjust these time lines based on the nature of the student's disorder and request for accommodation.
  3. In addition, the Verification of Disability Form for Medical Providers should be completed.

The Verification of Disability Form for Medical Providers should be completed along with test results and analyses, if relevant. Please submit this form to your medical provider for completion.


All forms are PDFs unless otherwise noted.


The Office of Disability Services values the input of the 成人视频色情片 faculty members and shares their concern about maintaining academic standards and integrity as we educate our students. ODS determines reasonable accommodations that are then submitted to you by the student. The accommodations are based on a careful review of disability-related documentation submitted by students, who self- identify as having a disability.

Students receiving accommodations are expected to meet the same academic standards as their non-disabled peers. The goal of the accommodations is to level the playing field for students with disabilities, and afford them equal access to obtaining the information being taught and demonstrating their knowledge of said information.

ODS collaborates with faculty members and staff to best meet the needs of our students and encourages faculty members to create an environment that fosters education and growth for all kinds of learners.

Faculty Responsibilities

As is expected with all of our students at 成人视频色情片, faculty members will evaluate a student with a disability based upon his/her academic performance. Faculty are encouraged to provide educational equality in their teaching styles and foster an educational environment that meets the diverse needs of students who may learn differently. Faculty members may collaborate with ODS and a student with a disability in an effort to best meet the needs of the student and to ensure the provision of reasonable accommodations throughout the semester.


  • Insert ODS Statement in your syllabi each semester.
    鈥淪tudents with disabilities who are enrolled in this course and who will be requesting documented disability-related accommodations should make an appointment with the Office of Disability Services during the first week of class. Once you have been approved for accommodations, contact me to ensure the successful implementation of those accommodations.鈥
  • Students must submit a current accommodation letter from ODS for each course.
  • Review ODS accommodation letter with student.
  • Discuss options to accommodate student's testing needs which may include addressing issues related to extended time or testing in a reduced distraction location.
  • Contact the Office of Disability Services to resolve any questions about classroom or testing accommodations.

Faculty Procedures for Arranging Testing Accommodations

Faculty members can ensure that a student with a disability is afforded an equal opportunity with regard to exam administration by providing testing accommodations such as extended time, a location with reduced distraction, and the use of a laptop when these types of accommodations are indicated on a student's accommodation letter.

  • Students with disabilities are expected to take their exams in the classroom with the professor proctoring for the full duration of the exam, including extended time (unless otherwise noted on their Request for Accommodation Forms).
  • If you find yourself in an acute situation that prevents you from administering the extended time accommodation, please contact our office as soon as possible so that we may collaboratively explore other options.
  • To accommodate students who are entitled to a Reduced Distraction Location for your exam, Faculty should please provide ODS with advance notice of at least ONE WEEK and submit the Exam in a Reduced Distraction Location form to ensure that ODS can provide the accommodation.

You are under no obligation to provide accommodation to any student who has not presented you with an Accommodation Letter from the Office of Disability Services.

Faculty Training Opportunities

The DO-IT Center, housed at the University of Washington, promotes the success of individuals with disabilities in post-secondary education and careers, using technology as an empowering tool. The Faculty Room is a space for faculty and administrators at post-secondary institutions to learn about how to create classroom environments and academic activities that maximize the learning of all students, including those with disabilities. Feel free to .

Contact Us

Beren Campus

Rochelle Kohn, PhD, CRC
Director of Disability Services, Manhattan Campuses
215 Lexington Avenue, Room 505
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (646) 592-4132
Fax: (917) 326-4811

Wilf Campus

Abigail Kelsen, LMSW, LCSW
Assistant Director of Disability Services, Manhattan Campuses
Furst Hall, Suite 412
500 West 185th Street
New York, NY 10033
Tel: (646) 592-4280

It is your responsibility to retain a copy of your original documentation. You may need it for graduate school entrance exams, graduate school accommodations, or licensing exams.

Seven years post-graduation or departure from the university, your student file and disability documentation will be shredded.

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