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Employment for International Students

Working inside the U.S. is severely restricted by U.S. immigration regulations. Working off-campus without appropriate authorization, or on-campus more than 20 hours per week during the semester, is a violation of F and J student immigration status. There are different types of work authorization, depending on what you wish to do and your academic degree program. Please contact the OISS with questions.

F-1 Curricular Practical Training

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) allows you, as an F-1 student, to accept off-campus employment as part of the curriculum of your degree program. CPT employment MUST be directly related to your major area of study with a US based employer.

CPT is typically done on a part-time basis (up to 20 hrs/wk) during the school year and on a full-time basis during vacation periods. Exceptions may apply for graduate students depending on the structure of your curriculum.

Students who receive one year or more of full-time CPT are ineligible for post-completion optional practical training (OPT)

Please note, you may not work before the CPT start date or after the CPT end date listed on your I-20, and in most cases your CPT authorization cannot be modified or changed retroactively after your employment start date.

In general, the dates of the internship and the CPT authorization must fall within the dates of the internship course. Also, CPT dates may not extend into an adjoining semester without additional enrollment for an internship course in that semester or special permission.

CPT Eligibility

To qualify for CPT, your program must have an internship elective that contributes to the required credits to complete your degree or fieldwork/practicum requirement as part of the curriculum. Otherwise, please consider Optional Practical Training (OPT) instead. You must also:

  1. Have a job offer directly related to your program of study.
  2. Have been a full-time student in the US for at least one academic year. Enrollment at an English language school or US high school is NOT considered as part of the one academic year requirement. (If your graduate program requires all enrolled students to get work experience in the first academic year, you are then eligible during your first year.)
  3. Be in valid F-1 status.
  4. Be making normal progress toward degree completion and be in good academic standing.

How to Apply for CPT

Once the above are eligibility requirement are met, you can submit a . When you apply, you will need to:  

  1. Provide the name, address, and dates of employment for your proposed CPT employer. This must be a U.S. based employer. 
    Employer Letter Template
  2. Upload proof of your internship/externship course registration.
  3. Upload your  .
  4. Request a recommendation from your academic advisor or program director from within the application.

Students should submit their CPT applications at least 2 weeks before their intended work start date to allow processing time for the academic department to sign off and for OIS to process your request. If you submit an application with a start date coming up very quickly, we cannot guarantee that the CPT will be authorized by the employment start date so you would need to delay the date you begin work. 

Once you receive your authorization for CPT, you must apply for a Social Security Number if you don't already have one. You must have a Social Security Number before you can be paid.

If Any Changes Occur with Your CPT Once Approved

If any update needs to be made with your CPT once you're approved (for example, you are requesting the dates to be changed or you have a new internship site), contact the OIS right away so the OIS can ensure your academic department is aware and supportive of any change and provide you with an updated I-20 if and when the change is approved.

Regulations prohibit retroactive CPT authorization. Do not start working until your CPT is authorized.

Students must:

  • Be in valid F-1 status
  • Have been a full-time student in F-1 status in the U.S., for at least one full academic year (2 semesters or 9 months)*
  • Have a job offer directly related to your major
  • Be making satisfactory progress toward degree completion and be in good academic standing
  • *The one year wait time is waived for students in graduate programs that require all enrolled students to obtain work experience in the first academic year.

CPT is typically authorized on a part-time (up to 20 hours per week) during the school year and full-time during vacation periods. Exceptions may apply for graduate students, depending on the structure of the individual student's curriculum. You may not begin CPT employment until you receive authorization from the OISS on your I-20. Retroactive authorization is not possible.

  1. Students receive one year or more of full time CPT forfeit all Optional Practical Training (OPT).

  2. Part-time CPT authorization does not impact a student's OPT eligibility.

  • CPT authorization is job specific, therefore, you need a job offer to apply for CPT.
    • Visit the Career Center to get information about available internships.
    • Graduate students must obtain placement permission from their program advisor or dean.
  • Complete the 
  • Your academic advisor, Dean or department chair must support your request for CPT. Once you are in the application you will see an option to send this person a recommendation email.  The recommendation will confirm:
    • That you are a full-time student and your anticipated program completion date.
    • The internship course name, course number, and the number of credits awarded for the course.
    • That the course credit will count toward fulfilling your degree requirements.
    • The beginning and ending dates of your employment (month/date/year), the number of hours per week, the company name, complete address, and your job title.
    • If your payroll will be processed by an outside organization (not your employer), provide a letter of explanation from your employer specifying the name and address of the payroll company.
  • The CPT application must be submitted at least 5 business days prior to the anticipated start date of your employment.
  • If eligible, the OISS will authorize you to engage in CPT by issuing an updated I-20. You may not begin employment until you have received the new I-20. Please check the I-20 to confirm its accuracy, and then sign at the bottom of page one. You may only work for the employer authorized on the I-20.
  • If needed, take the CPT I-20 and passport to apply for a social security number.
  • The process of obtaining permission to participate in an internship can take up to two weeks, so students must plan accordingly. If you have any questions please contact the OISS.

Cardozo Law Students in F-1 status who have completed one academic year of full-time study are eligible to apply for CPT.

  • Summer internships (paid and unpaid) require registration for the Legal Practice Course.  Contact Cardozo Student Services
  • Summer Stipend Program requires registration for the Legal Practice Course. Contact Cardozo Student Services
  • Field Clinics and Externships: CPT can be authorized based on registration for either class. Proof of registration is sufficient.

Fieldwork is an essential and required part of your MSW degree. WSSW students are exempt from the one academic year of full-time study requirement. If you wish to enroll in a fieldwork placement right away, contact the WSSW Field Department wsswfield@yu.edu.

After confirming a field placement, the next step is to apply for Curricular Practical Training (CPT).

To be eligible for CPT, you must first:   

  • Have a confirmed fieldwork placement through WSSW. You will 
  • Register for the fieldwork course with YU  
  • Be in valid F-1 status 

When you submit the CPT application:

  • Upload the placement confirmation email from wsswfield@yu.edu.  This will serve as your employment offer letter.  Please do not request additional documentation from your placement site for this purpose.
  • Provide the name and complete address of the field placement agency AND the address of the agency site where you will do your field work if it is different from the agency鈥檚 main address
  • Upload proof of your fieldwork course registration (screenshot of registration)  
  • Upload your    
  • In the application, request a recommendation from Eric Grossman, Executive Director of Field Education

Students should submit their CPT applications at least 2 weeks before their intended start date to allow processing time for your advisor to approve the CPT application and for OIS to process your application.

Do you have an unpaid internship and wondering if you can do it? Do you want to volunteer at a local charity you care about? Find out if you need authorization, and make sure you have the authorization you need.

How to Tell if Your Unpaid Internship Needs Authorization

If your unpaid internship does NOT meet ALL of the criteria listed below, we recommend eligible students get authorization for practical training (either CPT or OPT for F-1 students or Academic Training for J-1 students). If you need help determining whether you need authorization for your situation, contact us.

  1. The training is similar to one you would receive at a vocational school.
  2. The training is for your benefit.
  3. You do not displace a regular worker.
  4. You provide no immediate advantage to your employer, and their operations may even be slowed by your presence.
  5. You are not entitled to a job upon completion of your internship.
  6. You understand no wages or other benefits (like free lunch, Metrocards, etc.) will be paid or given to you.
  7. The internship is tied to your academic program by "integrated coursework" or the receipt of academic credit.

How the US Government Defines Unpaid Internship

To protect US and international workers from abuse, the US government says that if a person provides a service for which a person would normally be employed, the activity is considered work or employment. This means that the employer must then pay the person.

Some training programs where the trainee is under close supervision and provides no significant measurable work for the employer are exceptions to this rule. The exceptions are detailed on these documents from New York State and the US Department of Labor:

Also, unpaid internships should not be used by your employer as a trial period before you receive work authorization.  For example, if you start working while waiting for your work authorization to be approved, you would be considered an 鈥渆mployee鈥 instead of an unpaid intern or volunteer under the .  This is because both you and your employer have the expectation that you will be hired on a permanent basis as soon as you obtain work authorization.  Under no conditions should you begin working 鈥 not even as a volunteer or unpaid intern 鈥 before you receive your work authorization.

Any unpaid charitable work at a non-profit charity, such as a food pantry, is fine and will NOT need any form of employment authorization.

Only true volunteering, as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor in the  does not require work authorization.  According to FLSA, volunteering refers to donating time with an organization whose primary purpose is charitable or humanitarian in nature, without promise, expectation, or receipt of compensation for services rendered.

  • The organization you are volunteering at must be a nonprofit organization.
  • As a volunteer, the activities you engage in must be activities normally completed by volunteers and not paid employees (Examples of volunteer activities include serving food at a soup kitchen, walking dogs at an animal shelter, or participating in a beach cleanup day).
  • You do not receive any compensation or payment for your volunteering services, and no expectation exists that you will get a job at this organization at the end of your volunteering. The company cannot bring you on as a so-called volunteer and then decide you are an employee and pay you for work you鈥檝e already done.
  • Many nonprofits have organized volunteer programs.  Participating in such a program is likely to be considered volunteering and not unpaid work.
  • If you volunteer at an organization, be sure to get documentation confirming that you participated in their volunteer program and received no compensation for your volunteering.

  • You are not required to obtain work authorization to engage in bona fide (legitimate) volunteer activities or unpaid internships which passed
  • Do not accept unpaid internship offers that have unreasonable expectations for your time and amount of work.
  • Unpaid also means uncompensated. For example, if the organization compensates you with stock options, gift cards, travel vouchers, or movie passes in lieu of payment, that is no longer an unpaid internship or volunteering.  You must obtain work authorization.
  • If you are engaging in bona fide volunteer activity, it is advisable to get documentation from the organization explaining the nature of your work. You should keep this with your other immigration records (such as your previous I-20s).
  • Finally, engaging in any employment or internship, whether paid or unpaid, for academic credit or not, without proper work authorization is a serious violation of your F-1 status.

Students sometimes ask if they can work 20 hours per week on-campus and 20 hours per week off-campus during the semester. 成人视频色情片's policy limits students to a cumulative maximum of 20 hours per week during required school terms.

How many hours per week can I work while school is in session?

F-1 Optional Practical Training

Optional Practical Training (OPT) is temporary off-campus employment authorization, granted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to F-1 students for the purpose of gaining practical experience in their major. Eligible students may apply for up to 12 months of OPT per academic level. Eligible students may apply for OPT both before and after graduation. OPT authorization typically takes 3 months to be approved, so it is important to plan ahead.

You must:

  • Have completed at least one academic year (2 semesters or 9 months) of full-time study inside the United States in an immigration status that permits full-time study, by the time your OPT will begin.
  • Be in valid F-1 status at the time of the application.
  • Be in good academic standing and making normal progress toward finishing your degree.
  • Not have already been approved for 12 months of OPT at your current degree level.
  • Not have been authorized for 12 months of full-time Curricular Practical Training (CPT) at your current degree level.  Full-time is defined as 20+ hours per week. Part-time CPT does not impact OPT eligibility, unless you are authorized for multiple part-time positions at the same time, when combined, exceed 20 hours per week.
  • Students do not need a job to apply for OPT.

  • Pre-Completion OPT: Before you finish your studies
  • Post-Completion OPT: After you finish your studies
  • 24 Month STEM OPT Extension: Eligible students may apply for a 24 month extension of their OPT.  This is commonly referred to a 
  • : For students whose prospective employers filed a qualifying H-1B-cap subject petition.

OPT authorization typically takes 3 months to be approved, so it is important to plan ahead. It is not possible to expedite an OPT application.

  • Pre-Completion OPT: 3 to 4 months before you will need work authorization
  • Post-Completion OPT: 90 days before program completion* through 60 days after program completion. Students who are graduating should apply for post-OPT as early as possible, unless you plan to begin a new degree program the following semester or plan to leave the U.S.
  • 24 Month STEM OPT Extension: USCIS must receive your extension application within the 90 period before your the post-OPT end date.
  • CAP Gap OPT Extension: this will be automatically authorized by USCIS, if your H1B application is selected for adjudication.

*Program completion is defined as when you have finished all degree requirements. This may be different from your graduation date. Spring graduates can use May 31; fall and summer graduates: varies by academic program.

  1. Complete the  in the YU international student portal.
  2. The OISS will recommend OPT in SEVIS and provide you with a new I-20. The OISS will contact you by email with the new I-20 attached once it is ready. Please allow 5 business days.
  3. Student submits an online application to USCIS. The application must be received by USCIS with 30 days of the DSO recommendation on page two of the I-20. Once your OPT is recommended, submit your application to USCIS. If USCIS doesn't receive you application within 30 days, your OPT will be DENIED!
  4. The majority of OPT applications are approved without any delays.  However, sometimes, USCIS requests additional information. You must provide this information by a deadline stated in the request. Watch your email and mail! 
  5. You can find information about how to check the status of your application at 
  6. Once approved, USCIS will mail you an Employment Authorization Document (EAD). You will also receive an electronic and a paper approval notice.
  7. If you applied for a U.S. Social Security Number (SSN), a number will be issued and a SSN card will be mailed within 10 days of EAD approval.
  8. When you reach the start date on your EAD, SEVIS will send you an email link to set-up your SEVIS student portal. In your portal you will be able to report and update employment and address information. Contact the OISS directly if you want to change the email address in SEVIS.
  9. Send a copy of your EAD to the OISS for your file.

Once OPT is approved and the start date is reached, students are limited to 90 days of accrued unemployment. Students, who go more than 90 days without reporting post-OPT employment information, are at risk of automatic SEVIS termination of F-1 status, I-20 and employment authorization. Report OPT employment via your student SEVIS portal.

Travel before program completion is the same as usual.

Travel after graduation: students must have:

  • An unexpired passport valid for at least six months beyond the end date on the EAD 
  • A valid F-1 visa (Canadian citizens are exempt)
  • I-20 endorsed for travel within the past six months
  • The employment authorization document (EAD) and USCIS approval notice
  • Proof of employment on OPT (if employed)

Students are not advised to leave the U.S. until OPT is approved. If your OPT is approved while you are outside of the U.S., the employment authorization documentation is required for reentry.

Students with an expired F-1 visa who leave the U.S., must apply for a new F-1 visa in order to return to the U.S. while on OPT.

Students who decide to depart the U.S. early with the intention of forfeiting the remainder of their OPT, must report this to the OISS.

Students who are approved for another immigration status or U.S. Permanent Residence (green card), must report this to the OISS so we can close your SEVIS record.

Report to following to the OISS within 10 days:

  • Change in legal name
  • Change in mailing or residential address (You can change your address yourself in the student SEVIS portal.)
  • Change in employer or stopping work. (You can change your employment yourself in the student SEVIS portal.) If you need help contact oiss@yu.edu
  • Decision to depart the U.S. with the intention of forfeiting the remainder of your OPT
  • Return to school full time, or
  • Change of immigration status.

The H-1B work visa is an employer sponsored application submitted by the employer on your behalf. To begin the process of applying for H-1B and becoming eligible for an extension of OPT, you must first speak to your employer.

The H-1B Cap is the congressionally-mandated limit on the number of individuals who may be granted initial H-1B status during each fiscal year. Employees who will work at institutions of higher education or a related or affiliated nonprofit entities, or at nonprofit research organizations or governmental research organizations, are exempt from the fiscal year cap.

The H-1B Fiscal Year for Cap-Subject employers runs from October 1st to September 30th each year. An F-1 student graduating in the Spring Semester with a standard 12 months of post-completion OPT will find that their work authorization will expire in June or July one year after graduation, leaving a gap in work authorization until October 1st when H-1B status can begin.

The Cap Gap Extension of OPT through September 30th of the current year is granted if an H-1B petition has been filed by a Cap-Subject employer before the current period of OPT expires. The first day to file for H-1B is April 1st.

To be eligible for the Cap Gap Extension, students who have less than 12 months of post-completion OPT remaining after using pre-completion OPT prior to graduation, will need to be sure that their post-completion OPT is still valid on April 1st. We recommend counting backwards from April 1st to determine your OPT start date.

If your OPT expires before April 1st and you are in a valid 60-day grace period on the first day to file an H-1B petition, your legal status to remain in the U.S. is extended to October 1st, but you are not eligible to work for this gap period.

While on Cap Gap  

Work authorization on Cap Gap is valid until September 30th unless the H-1B petition is denied, withdrawn or revoked.

Evidence of work authorization for the extended period is reflected on a new I-20. There will be no new EAD card issued for Cap Gap Extension. The OISS will be able to provide you with an updated I-20 if you notify us and provide evidence of a timely filed H-1B petition (receipt or approval notice) by e-mailing the OISS with the subject 鈥淐ap Gap I-20.鈥

Travel is NOT advised during the Cap Gap period.

Thanks to Yale University Office of International Students and Scholars for assistance with H-1B Cap Gap information.

F-1 STEM OPT Extension

F-1 students who completed a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree in select government-designated science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) fields and are currently working with post-completion OPT may apply for the STEM extension of 24 months of additional employment if they have a job or job offer from an E-Verify employer and meet all the required criteria.

Note: This following video is narrated by Kristen Gartside who is no longer at YU. When completing form I-983, on page one you may enter the following contact person: Jennifer Golden, Director, OISS; oiss@yu.edu.

If you earned a previous STEM degree from an accredited US institution, you may be eligible for the STEM OPT extension. See the Department of Homeland Security鈥檚 STEM. You can find the CIP code for your previous degree on page 1 of the current format I-20 or at the top of page 3 of the old format I-20. If you have questions about your eligibility, contact us.

The  is organized based on CIP Codes. F-1 Students can find their current program CIP code in the Program Information section on page 1 of the Form I-20.

All students interested in applying for STEM OPT are encouraged to visits the  for information and instructions, before contacting the OISS to ask how to apply.  All the information is there and the website provides a wonderful overview.

These are the basic steps of a STEM OPT application:

  •  with the employer
  • Send STEM OPT materials to OISS (obtain new I-20 recommending STEM OPT)
  • Submit the complete STEM OPT application to USCIS
  • USCIS receives application

F-1 students who:

  • have successfully completed a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree in a . You can find the CIP code for your previous degree on page 1 of the current format I-20 or at the top of page 3 of the old format I-20. If you have questions about your eligibility, contact us.
  • are currently authorized for post-completion OPT and have reported your current local US address and primary employer on the report OPT form.
  • have a job with a company enrolled in the government's E-Verify program. Find out if your employer is E-Verify enrolled.
  • have paid employment that is directly related to the STEM degree and is at least 20 hours per week.
  • have not exceeded 90 days of unemployment on your current post-completion OPT.
  • have not previously used STEM OPT more than once. Please note that you cannot have more than one STEM OPT extension based on the same degree.
  • file an application with the OISS and to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services before the current OPT period ends.

The earliest you can apply is 90 days prior to the end date of your current OPT. The US Citizenship and Immigration Services must receive your STEM OPT application before your current OPT expires.

If you applied for STEM OPT before your current OPT expires, you can continue to work while your STEM OPT application is pending, until a final decision is made on your application or it has been pending 180 days with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, whichever comes first.

Read all the steps in this process carefully.
Make sure you have reported your current OPT employer and local address information in your SEVIS student. The OISS can also report OPT employment for you: OPT reporting form. Then gather and prepare all the items you need for your STEM OPT application. 

1. Gather and prepare these items for your STEM OPT application:

  • A completed Form I-983.  Form I-983: Only pages 1-4 need to be completed when you apply. This form must be completed and signed by you and your employer. Please note that electronic signatures are not accepted; you and your employer must sign the form in ink. If you have multiple employers, you must work a minimum of 20 hours per week at each employer and submit a Form I-983 for each employer. Be sure to review our  If your employer has questions about the STEM extension or Form I-983, please direct them to the US government鈥檚 
  • Copy of diploma or transcript, if diploma does not mention your actual major
  • $410 application fee (debit card, bank account information, or credit card)
  • U.S. passport-style photograph 

2. Submit a Request to OISS


NOTE: If your application is based on a previous STEM degree, you will need to provide copies of I-20s and a transcript from that degree.

The OISS will review your application and issue your new I-20. This can take up to 5 business days to process. We will email you your new I-20 with STEM OPT listed on page 2.

3. Receive your New I-20

Receive your new I-20 from the OISS by email. You will receive further instructions about the application process with USCIS in the same email.

4. Review and Sign your Application Materials

Once you receive an updated I-20 with the STEM OPT recommendation, make sure to sign your new I-20 and include it with the rest of your STEM OPT application materials (# 1). Please note that:

  • Incomplete or incorrect applications can cause serious delays so make sure you鈥檝e included everything.
  • Check your application for typos and check you uploaded the correct files before submission.
  • Keep a copy of your complete STEM OPT application for your records.

5. Send Your Application to the US Government

You will submit your STEM OPT application to USCIS online through their online filing website: . If you file the online application BEFORE you receive your new STEM OPT I-20 from the OISS, your application will be rejected.

If you want to file by mail, please contact the OISS for guidance on that process.

6. USCIS Processing  

Checking the Progress of Your OPT Application: USCIS will generate you a receipt notice (Form I-797) after you submit online and also mail this receipt to your U.S. Mailing Address. This is proof that USCIS has received your application. Make sure to check the spelling of your name. If you notice an error, contact OISS. The receipt will also have your case number printed on it, with which you can track the progress of your application on the .

Request for Additional Documentation: Occasionally, a student will receive a Request for Further Evidence (RFE) from USCIS. These requests are typically because the application is missing a document or new photographs are required. If you receive such a request reply immediately to USCIS with the requested documents, including the original RFE placed on top. If you do not understand the USCIS request, contact the OISS. Make copies of all documentation and send the reply by courier mail.

EAD Delays: If you do not receive your EAD card within 75 days from the date immigration received your application, contact OISS and we can check the status of your application. If you have applied to USCIS for your 24-month STEM extension and you have not received your new EAD by the end of your Post-Completion OPT, you may continue to work for up to 180 days after the end of your Post-Completion OPT. You should receive your new EAD before you reach 180 days.

If you enroll in a new academic program in the U.S. in the future and earn another qualifying STEM degree at a higher educational level, you may be eligible for a second period of 24-month STEM OPT (i.e. two 24 month STEM OPT extensions may be permitted).

Example: If you receive a 24-month STEM OPT extension based on your bachelor鈥檚 degree in computer science, and you later earn a master鈥檚 degree in computer science or another STEM eligible field, you may apply for Post-Completion OPT and then the additional 24-month STEM OPT extension based on your master鈥檚 degree.

Eligibility Based on a Previously Obtained STEM Degree:

If you are currently in a degree field (or on Post-Completion OPT from that degree) that is not identified as STEM eligible, but have previously earned a STEM eligible degree from an accredited U.S. higher education institution, you may be eligible to apply for a STEM OPT extension under certain conditions:

  • You must have received both degrees from currently accredited and SEVP-certified institutions
  • Your previous degree can not have been conferred more than 10 years ago at the time of application
  • Your previous degree is assigned a STEM eligible code found on the  at the time of application
  • You haven't already received a STEM OPT extension based on this previous degree
  • Your practical training opportunity is directly related to the previously obtained STEM degree
  • Your employer meets the criteria listed above
     Example: If you are currently participating in Post-Completion OPT based on a master鈥檚 degree in business and management, but you previously received a bachelor鈥檚 degree in mathematics, you may be able to apply for a STEM OPT extension based on your bachelor鈥檚 degree in mathematics as long as meets the other criteria above.

Employment Limitations

  • Employment must be paid.
  • Employment must be a minimum of 20 hours per week.
  • Employment must be directly related to your course of study.
  • Limitation on Unemployment for the STEM OPT Extension: Students approved for the 24-month STEM OPT extension may not accrue more than a total of 150 days of unemployment throughout their entire 36 months on OPT. Time spent outside the U.S., if not employed by a U.S. employer, is counted towards the 150-day period of unemployment. To count as 鈥渆mployed鈥 a student should be able to provide evidence, acquired from the student鈥檚 employer, to verify that he or she worked at least 20 hours per week during the period of reported employment.
  • Unemployment Caution: SEVIS records will automatically terminate for students who have no employment reported for 150 days. Be sure that you have made alternate plans and communicated them to OISS before your record is terminated. If you have any concerns, you can always contact your OISS adviser.

Reporting Requirements

Reporting Chart

Students must submit to OISS self-evaluations via the I-983 during the first 12 months on the STEM OPT extension and at the completion of the 24-month extension period or at the conclusion of employment, whichever comes first. Evaluations should be submitted within 10 days of the required date.

Students and employers must report to OISS a change in any of the following via the I-983:

  • Employer name and address
  • Decrease in student's compensation
  • Reduction in hours worked to less than 20 hours a week
  • Employer's EIN
  • Termination of employment

Students are required to report to OISS within 10 days, any change in the following:

  • Legal Name
  • Residential address
  • Employer name and address
  • Change in status of current employment, including loss of employment, change of status to H-1B, transfer to another F-1 program, or change employers. If you change employers, you and your employer will need to complete a new I-983 and submit to OISS.

Students are required to report to OISS every 6 months - regardless if there is a change or not - the following:

  • Legal name
  • Residential address
  • Employer name and address
  • Status of current employment

Keep Records of your Employment

Keep records of your employment history for your personal file, to present as evidence of maintaining lawful status should you apply for future immigration benefits. Examples of records to keep:

  • Offer letters
  • Contracts
  • Payroll stubs
  • Letters describing volunteer activity and hours

When a STEM OPT student changes employers, the new employer must be enrolled in E-Verify before the student begins to work for pay. The student must also submit a new Form I-983 to their DSO within 10 days of starting the new practical training opportunity.

When a student begins a new practical training opportunity with a new employer less than 10 days after leaving the student鈥檚 prior employer, the student may fulfill all reporting obligations (loss of employment and new training plan) by submitting a new Form I-983.

In cases where the period of time between employers is longer than 10 days, the student must first report the loss of employment to the DSO and later submit a new Form I-983.

Change of Employer while the STEM OPT application is pending: contact the OISS.

While on STEM OPT, you are required to show your Employment Authorization Document (EAD) along with your other immigration documents (see list below) in order to re-enter the U.S. in F-1 status. In many cases, students will also need to apply at a U.S. embassy or consulate for a new F-1 visa before returning to the U.S.

If you need to leave the U.S. before you receive your EAD, speak with an OISS adviser. If your employer has filed for H-1B on your behalf, check with your employer about any travel plans as leaving the U.S. while an H-1B application is pending may jeopardize your application.

Required documents to re-enter the U.S. while on STEM OPT Extension:

  • Valid I-20 - Page two should list your employer's information and be signed by an OISS adviser within the last six months.
  • Valid F-1 Visa - If your F-1 visa is expired, you must apply for a new one at a U.S. embassy or consulate prior to you return. (Note: Canadian citizens do not need a visa.)
  • Valid Passport - The expiration date should be at least six months into the future at any given time.
  • Valid Employment Authorization Document (EAD)
  • Evidence of a job offer or resumption of employment. If you are returning to the U.S without evidence of a job offer, you may be questioned at the port of entry.

J-1 Student Academic Training

Academic training is the name the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program uses for employment training or practical experience related to your field of study. It is fairly flexible and offers a variety of paid and unpaid, full-time or part-time, training or employment situations, with one or more employers, to supplement your academic program in the U.S.

Academic training is available at any stage of your academic program, either while you are enrolled in school or after you complete your academic program, as long as you maintain valid J-1 status, follow the appropriate application and approval procedures, and stay within the stated time limits.

If you are considering academic training, your authorization must be processed before your official academic program completion date. In addition, the academic training/employment must begin within the first 30 days after the official academic program completion date.

You are eligible for academic training if all of the following criteria are met:

  • You are in the U.S. primarily for study in a full-time academic program.
  • You are in good academic standing at your educational institution.
  • You must apply before the completion of your academic program.
  • You are participating in academic training that is directly related to your major field of study.
  • Your employment/training must take place with the specific employer or employers who are noted on the academic training authorization letter.
  • You must receive an authorization letter, in advance, for the duration and type of academic training, from a responsible officer or alternate responsible officer at OISS. This authorization must be processed before the end date on the Form DS-2019 or before the official date of the degree program completion, whichever comes first.
  • You have a valid Form DS-2019 that enables you to remain in the U.S. in J-1 student status. You must apply for extensions as needed and in a timely manner.

  • Students who complete a degree program are permitted an overall academic training period of 18 months. This includes all academic training, whether before or after completion of studies. Source: 22CFR 搂 514.23(f)(4)
  • The total employment/training period may not exceed the amount of time spent in full course of study. For example, if you are a Masters student who completed a program in 12 months, you are only eligible for 12 months of academic training.
  • Completing more than one degree program at the same time does not increase your academic training period.
  • Any pre-completion academic training period is deducted from your total allowable academic training period when calculating post-completion academic training.

There are exceptions to the 18-month time limit, if you meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Your degree program requires a training period longer than 18 months.
  • After completing a Ph.D. program, you are eligible for an additional 18 months of post-doctoral training, for a total of 36 months of academic training.
  • If you are enrolled in a non-degree program, your stay in the U.S., including academic training, is limited to a total of 24 months. The term of your academic training would then be the time period remaining after you complete your non-degree program.
  • A period spent in part-time employment under academic training will count as full-time academic training and will be deducted from the 18 or 36 months of post completion academic training.

To apply for academic training through the OISS you must be sponsored by 成人视频色情片. If your sponsor is the  or another agency, you must contact your sponsor to process your academic training. To determine your sponsorship, please check section #2 of your Form DS-2019.

  1. Have a formal employment offer, written on official stationery (letterhead) from your potential academic training employer. The job offer letter from your employer must include:
    • Your job title
    • A brief description of the goals and objectives of your training or employment
    • Dates and location of training or employment
    • Number of hours per week, salary and benefits
    • Name and title of your training supervisor
  2. Obtain a letter of recommendation from your academic advisor or dean recommending this academic training. You will need to provide him/her with a copy of your employment offer letter. The recommendation letter from your academic advisor or dean must include:
    • The goals and objectives of the specific training program
    • A description of the training program, including all the information listed above
    • How the training relates to your major field of study
    • Why this employment is an integral or critical part of your academic program
    • The length of time necessary to complete the goals and objectives of the academic training
  3. Complete an Academic Training Request Form for J-1 Students
  4. Email the complete application to OISS at least 20 working days before your official degree completion date or before the end date on your Form DS-2019, whichever is earlier. If you fail to submit your application before your program completion, or before the end date on your Form DS-2019, whichever is earlier, you will not be eligible for academic training. Submit all the following documents to the OISS:
    • Completed Academic Training Request Form for J-1 Students
    • Employment offer letter
    • Letter of recommendation from your academic advisor or dean
    • Copies of your current and all previous Forms DS-2019
    • A copy of your passport biographical data page and visa page
    • A copy of paper or print-out of electronic Form I-94 (please click on the link for instructions)
    • Proof of funding to show how you will support yourself during your academic training (if your academic training is unpaid)
  5. If the OISS approves your application, we will issue a new Form DS-2019 authorizing the academic training for the duration you requested. Your employer will be listed on the academic training authorization letter accompanying the new Form DS-2019. The end date on this form is now the end date of your J-1 program. You must apply for an extension of your academic training in a timely manner if you are eligible to and wish to extend your J-1 program beyond that date.

If you intend to leave the U.S. after you complete your program of study you must obtain academic training authorization from 成人视频色情片 before you leave. If you do not receive this authorization, you may lose your eligibility for academic training.

On-Campus Employment

Students in F-1 and J-1 status are allowed to work on-campus part-time while classes are in session and full-time during the winter and summer breaks.

F-1 students, who meet all of the criteria below, do NOT need to obtain specific work authorization from the OISS to work on-campus. Speak to your hiring supervisor to complete the necessary forms for Human Resources. J-1 students do need special authorization from the OISS to work on-campus.

YU  Human Resources (HR) policy limits the number of hours a registered student may work as follows:
- Undergraduate: 15 hours per week
- Graduate: 19 hours per week.  

These limits are in place year round (including the summer) for all registered students. Students who are not taking any classes may work full-time during the summer and winter break periods.

On-campus employment may take place at any YU office or department. On-campus employment also includes YU graduate assistantships and teaching assistantships.

Once you find a job, in order to get paid you need to apply for a , if you do not already have one.

F-1 Student Eligibility requirements:  

  • Be a full-time student in a YU degree program
  • Have a valid, unexpired YU I-20
  • Have a valid, unexpired passport
  • Have an  indicating that you are in F-1 status

Once you find a job, in order to get paid you need to apply for a U.S. social security number, if you do not already have one. 

J-1 Student Eligibility requirements:

  • Full-time student admitted to a YU degree program
  • Have a valid, unexpired DS-2019 with YU listed as the program sponsor
  • Have a valid, unexpired passport
  • Have an  indicating that you are in J-1 status
  • Have a letter from your on-campus supervisor stating the following:
    1. your supervisor's name, title and department address
    2. the number of hours you will work per week
    3. the start and end dates of your employment
    4. the type of employment (for example, interpreter or teaching assistant)

Before beginning work on-campus, submit all of the above items to the OISS for review. Once the work is authorized and the OISS gives you an employment letter, you may begin to work.

Once you find a job, in order to get paid you need to apply for a U.S. social security number, if you do not already have one. 

If you change jobs, you must submit an updated employment offer letter to the OISS.

 are posted on the YU Human Resources Page and on flyers posted around campus.  F-1 and J-1 students are not eligible for "work study" positions. Work study is part of a U.S. government financial aid award. 

Social Security Numbers (SSNs)

A Social Security Number (SSN) is a unique, 9-digit number used for taxpayer identification, income reporting, and record-keeping purposes. Once issued, the number is valid for a lifetime. You should keep it safe and provide only as needed to US government agencies or credible financial institutions. If you are not eligible for a SSN, consider applying for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

Who is eligible to apply?
Students with on-campus jobs
Students with off-campus work permission

How to Apply


Students are encouraged to . However, you must still physically go to the SSA office in person within 45 days completing the SSN online application, to finish your application.

Apply for SSN to Work On-Campus

Request 2 school letters:

  1. Letter from on-campus supervisor: Make an appointment with your on-campus job supervisor and have them complete and sign the offer letter with an original signature. The signature on this form must be original. SSA will reject scanned letters and digital signatures. (template here
  2. You also need an original Designated School Official (DSO) letter. After receiving this signed letter from your supervisor:
    •  on the YU International Student Portal. The application will ask you to upload the supervisor letter and indicate where you prefer to retrieve the original DSO letter.
    • The OISS will provide you with the required letter from our office and contact you once the letter is ready to be picked-up.

Only after you have both letters may you visit the SSA office to complete your application.

You must visit the SSA office in person within 45 days of completing the online application. When you go to the SSA bring the following original documents:

  • Passport
  • I-20 with travel signature (Print out most recent paper I-20)
  • Supervisor Letter (original)
  • DSO Letter (original)
  • I-94 print out from the  (Print out most recent paper I-94)

SSA will give you a receipt and mail the card to the address you entered in your online application in 1-2 weeks. If you bring all the original documents with original signatures* and the SSA agent rejects your application, ask to speak with a manager. *The I-20 can be signed electronically.

Applying for SSN with CPT employment

  • Use your I-20 showing the CPT authorization on page 2 as confirmation of employment. 
  • Employment offer letter
  • Transcript showing course registration

Applying for SSN with OPT employment

  • We recommend you apply for the SSN when applying for OPT. You can do this in the I-765 application. Your SSN card will be mailed to you shortly after you receive your OPT authorization document (EAD).
  • Applying for SSN in person: Use the I-20 showing the OPT authorization on page 2 and your EAD as confirmation of employment eligibility. 

If you have any difficulties when applying for your SSN, please inform oiss@yu.edu immediately so that we can assist you.

As of April 7, 2022 the Social Security Administration (SSA) Office has , however, they still highly recommend calling in advance to schedule an appointment!  

Please follow the steps below to get your SSN: 

  1. It is recommended to make an appointment to apply for a Social Security Number by calling the SSA office before going if possible. Tell them that you are an J-1 student or scholar who needs to apply for a social security number.
  2. (New 12/2023) Submit an on the government website. You will still need to go to an office in person within 45 days to complete the application process.
  3. If applying based on on-campus employment
    1. Make an appointment with your on-campus job supervisor and have them fill in and sign the offer letter with an original signature. The signature on this form must be original. If you have a digital signature on this letter from your supervisor, your application for a SSN could be rejected. 
    2. After receiving this signed letter from your supervisor, come to OISS during regular business hours with the letter so OISS can provide you with a letter from our office 
  4. If applying based on Academic Training employment: 
    • You can use your DS-2019 and employment offer letter (with original signature) as confirmation of your employment. 
  5. If applying based on J-1 visiting scholar/professor status
    • You can use your DS-2019 and employment/scholar placement offer letter as confirmation of SSN eligibility  
  6. Gather the required documents for your appointment: 
    • Completed  (Or - you do not need to do both)
    • Passport 
    • DS-2019 
    • Most Recent  
    • Additional documentation based on type of employment: 
      • If applying based on on-campus employment
        • On-campus employment offer letter with an original signature from your supervisor (template here
        • Letter from OISS with original signature  
      • If applying based on Academic Training employment
        • Employment offer letter with original signature 
      • If applying based on J-1 visiting scholar/professor status
        • Appointment letter 
        • Attend your SSN appointment 
        • Receive your SSN card in the mail 

If you have any difficulties when applying for your SSN, please inform oiss@yu.edu immediately so that we can assist you. 

The Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number used by the US government鈥檚 tax division: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You need an ITIN if you are not eligible for a Social Security Number so that you can meet your tax filing obligations. An ITIN is used primarily for tax filing purposes and is not a form of work authorization. 

An ITIN is required for international students who are receiving non-employment based income (such as scholarships, dividends, royalties, etc.) and do not have a Social Security Number.

If you apply for an ITIN now and later become eligible for an SSN, this will not cause any problems. You can apply for and use your SSN at that time. 

J-1 scholars are eligible for Social Security numbers and should not apply for ITINs. 


ITIN application overview (please read first). Also read the . (VERY Helpful)

Step One: complete form W-7
  There is an ITIN template to follow starting on page 11.

Step 2: Bring your W-7 and original documents to the OISS in person. See ITIN Application Overview

Step 3: A designated school office will certify your original documentation and provide you with a specific letter for you to include with your application.

These documents must be the original document or certified copies. We do not recommend sending original documents with your ITIN application and strongly recommend that you use copies of these documents.

Step 4: Mail your application to the Internal Revenue Service
Unlike an SSN application made in person and for which a receipt is issued on the spot, a W-7 ITIN application is mailed to IRS.

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