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Students in the Stern College Honors Program Enjoyed Amazing Work Opportunities in Summer 2023

This past summer, students in the S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program at Stern College for Women, participated in extraordinary internships that offered hands-on experience and preparation for their future careers. Below is a sampling of internships in which students participated, in their own words: Amira Isenberg ‘24S, Major: Computer Science This summer, I interned as a software engineer summer analyst at BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager. I worked in a team in their Aladdin Engineering division with three other interns and learned a lot about navigating the corporate world and providing effective, efficient solutions for clients. In our project, I worked on the UI (user interface) component, which involved several languages, including Angular TypeScript, HTML, and CSS, and an understanding of database systems and modern accessibility requirements. The classes I took as a computer science major at Stern prepared me well for the various languages and technologies we used throughout the nine-week program. I also enjoyed exploring the world of Fintech and seeing what my life will (hopefully) look like after I graduate. Miriam Bluth â€˜24S, Double Major: Psychology and Music My internship was with an organization called The Door which is a youth center that aims to assist in the comprehensive development of young people, often coming from underprivileged backgrounds. I interned as an intake counselor which meant I would meet and talk with all incoming young people (ages 13-24) who were new to the organization. I learned about all aspects of their lives (home, work, school, relationships, substance use, family, mood), and then referred them to programs within The Door that could service them. Some of these included emergency housing and shelters, the health center, recreational activities, GED programs, and employment help. It was an extremely eye-opening experience for me. I realized how different and fortunate my life is, yet how similar I am to so many of the young people I met. I had great supervision and learned a lot about reacting to and discussing trauma, interacting empathetically with those from a very different background than my own, and gathering needed information - while also being genuine and present with a person who is often yearning to be seen. Atarah Mandel ‘26S, Pre-Law This summer I interned for the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Government Advocacy Program. In this program, Jewish college students from diverse backgrounds were placed in either a New York City councilmember's office or in an assemblymember's office. Additionally, we had seminars once a week with speakers, such as lawyers, journalists, political advocates, and philanthropists who taught us about different means by which we, as a community, can advocate against anti-Semitism. I was placed in Councilmember Erik Bottcher's office of District 3, where I learned about the daily work and programming that goes into keeping one of the busiest districts running smoothly. Through the program I networked with the next generation of political advocates and lawyers, learned from renowned speakers, and attended government events such as the bill signing of a law which will work to increase the accountability regarding anti-Semitic attacks on New York’s college campuses. By interning for this program, I was able to learn about the intricacies of our government and about the ways we can defend the Jewish community Other student internships: Rachel Kaplan - SURP (Summer Undergraduate Research Program) at Einstein College of Medicine, working in a cell biology lab researching the development of blood diseases by studying the maturation process of hematopoietic stem cells. Rachel Finkelstein - support staff at the Orthodox Union (OU) in the Women’s Initiative department, assisting with the development and execution of programs, initiatives and conferences. Diana Gindi - Trinitas Regional Medical Center Collegiate Medical Mentoring Program, shadowing physicians from different parts of the hospital, and watching surgeries, c-sections and births.


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