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Undergraduate Mathematics

Yeshiva College and Stern College for Women

Mathematics Tradition

Mathematics has an illustrious tradition at ³ÉÈËÊÓƵɫÇéƬ, with notable alumni including , , , and . Today's programs in the Mathematical Sciences continue offering a high-class education, as well as research opportunities.

Mathematics Profession

Mathematicians are trained to analyze data and apply mathematical and statistical techniques to solve real-world problems in business, engineering, healthcare, or other fields. They typically work in teams with other professionals to develop models, interpret data, make projections, solve optimization problems. Interdisciplinary skills, such as in physics, economics, computer science, or biology, can be helpful in applying mathematics to other fields.  

Careers in mathematics are among the best jobs of tomorrow, in terms of income, growth outlook, and environmental factors. Mathematicians have experienced an ever-increasing number of job postings in the recent years. Graduates with a strong mathematics background are necessary in pretty much every industry and sub-discipline. Tech firms increasingly rely on mathematicians for cutting-edge projects such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.



The math faculty teach at both undergraduate campuses and in the Katz School of Science and Health graduate programs. They are well recognized for their research, including a Humboldt Research Award and external funding from National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institute of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Simons Foundation, and the Sloan Foundation. Several faculty have published research monographs and textbooks.


BA in Mathematical Sciences

  • Areas of specialization: pure and applied mathematics, computational science, pre-actuarial and financial mathematics.  

BA/MA Program

  • Admissions criteria: Junior standing and a minimum GPA of 3.2.
  • Pre-requisites: Calculus I,II, Multivariable Calculus, and Linear Algebra with a grade of B+ or better
  • Graduate course limit: Students in the BA/MA Program can take up to 12 math graduate credits towards both the BA and the MA degree. 

MA in Mathematical Sciences

PhD in Mathematical Sciences

Advanced Degrees and Careers

Recent graduates pursue advanced degrees in mathematics and related fields in top graduate schools, or work in top companies:

Graduate Schools

  • Yale University, MIT, Harvard University, Cornell University, Columbia University, Weill Cornell Medicine, Mount Sinai, Penn State, Boston University, ³ÉÈËÊÓƵɫÇéƬ.


  • Google, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, American Express, Morgan Stanley, Capital One, BlackRock, Milliman, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Accenture.

News and Announcements

NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship

  • Dr. Wai-Ting Lam (PhD in Mathematics at ³ÉÈËÊÓƵɫÇéƬ in 2021)  has been awarded
    a Postdoctoral Fellowship (MPS-ASCEND) by the National Science Foundation.


  • Professor Edward Belbruno has a recent podcast hosted by People Behind the Science: 

Bestseller Book

  • Prof. Wenxiong Chen's book "The Fractional Laplacian" jointly with Yan Li (³ÉÈËÊÓƵɫÇéƬ, USA) and Pei Ma (Nanjing Forestry University, China) is among the Top 10 Bestsellers in Mathematics Published in 2020.

REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates)

Capstone/Internship at Standard and Poor’s Global

  • Smart Tagging – Extraction of Credit Action signals from S&P Ratings Research Articles 
  • Starting in June 2021
  • For details, contact Marian.Gidea@yu.edu

Recent student achievements

  • Rujie Gu has been accepted into the PhD in Mathematics Program at University of California at Irvine. 
  • David Friedenberg has been accepted into the PhD in Physics Program at Texas A & M University. 
  • Ariella Mermelstein will give a presentation to the 58th Congress  of the European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplant Association, June 2021.  
  • Avigayil Helman and Elia Lejzerkowicz have been accepted into the Columbia University Engineering Program.
  • Jack Rubin has been accepted into the graduate program in Operations Research at Columbia University. 
  • Gabrielle Kupferman has been accepted to the MD Anderson Cancer Prevention Research Training Program.


Prof. Antonella Marini, Chair

Programs Information

"Mathematics is the tool specially suited for dealing with abstract concepts of any kind and there is no limit to its power in this field."
—Paul Dirac (1902–1984)

The Mathematics major at Yeshiva College includes the options of specialized tracks in computer science and actuarial science, and a BA/MA program. Alumni have been accepted to graduate programs at Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Brown University, Columbia University, Hebrew University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, University of California at Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon University, Rutgers University, the University of California at Los Angeles, and the University of Pennsylvania. Industrial employers of alumni include Google, Citigroup, Travelers Insurance, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, Northrup Grumman, Deloitte and Touche, Goldman Sachs, Ernst & Young Actuarial Group, and many others. In addition, graduates in the mathematical sciences have served in various advisory capacities, such as the President’s Council of Economic Advisors.

The faculty of the Department of Mathematical Sciences teach at both undergraduate campuses and in The Katz School of Science and Health graduate programs. Topics of faculty research include: partial differential equations, dynamical systems, functional analysis, operator theory, geometric analysis, nonlinear analysis, computational time series analysis, financial mathematics, data science, high-energy physics, plasma dynamics, space-mission design, computational astrophysics, theory of elasticity, mathematical biology, integral equations, and group theory. The research of department faculty has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Cancer Institute, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Institute of Health, and the Department of the Navy. Several of the department faculty have published textbooks in their field.

Stern College for Women has a variety of programs for students interested in the mathematical sciences, which include pure and applied mathematics, industrial mathematics, and scientific programming.

Students interested in industrial applications of mathematics may select the pre-actuarial track, which prepares students for the initial professional examinations for insurance actuaries. The first of these examinations may be used to satisfy the college’s exit requirement. The Career Center will assist in the placement of suitably prepared students in actuarial internships during the summer preceding their senior year.  An undergraduate major in mathematics, supplemented by courses in economics, computer science and business, is also excellent preparation for graduate study in finance or quantitative economics and careers in the financial services industry. Courses in economics, computer science, and physics may be applied to an undergraduate degree in mathematics as correlate courses.

Students who are interested in links between mathematics and computer science may take cross-listed courses in scientific computing, discrete mathematics, and numerical analysis. As many as four computer science courses will be accepted as advanced electives for the mathematics major. A minor in computer science is also offered. Students have the option of pursuing shaped majors that include training in business-related computing and information technology. 

First-year graduate courses in mathematics are open to suitably qualified undergraduates. These currently include courses in risk management and other topics of industrial interest, as well as courses in pure and applied mathematics.

In addition to the Katz graduate program, students may also apply for the BA/MA program, in which they will receive credit toward both the BA and MA degrees for up to 12 credits of graduate courses.

Finally, mathematics is an excellent major for pre-engineering students. Students in the college’s joint engineering programs with Columbia University or the State University of New York at Stony Brook may combine degrees in Computer Science or Computer Engineering at those institutions with a mathematics major at Stern College for Women.

Please see the Schedule of Classes for the current semester’s offerings.

The department of mathematical sciences offers the following degrees: BA in Mathematics (including a pre-actuarial/financial mathematics track), BA/MA in Mathematics (students can receive up to 12 credit hours of graduate courses towards the BA degree, and the remaining graduate courses up to  30 credit hours towards the MA), MA in Mathematics (30 credit hours), and PhD in Mathematics.

Graduate courses in mathematics are open to undergraduate students who successfully completed multivariable calculus and linear algebra.

A mathematics placement examination is required of all students planning to take Math. Students must take this test before registering for MATH 1412.

Mathematics Courses

  • STAT 1021 Introduction to Statistics 3 credits
    Sources of data; descriptive statistics: data display, univariate measures of location and variability; basic probability, normal curve and its applications; correlation and regression. Sampling distributions. Inferential procedures in one- and two-sample problems: estimation, hypothesis testing. Chi-square.
  • MATH 1010 Excursions in Mathematics 3 credits
    This course is intended for non-science majors and Education majors. Several topics will be taught in depth from the following list: Sets of numbers, geometry, elements of probability and statistics, consumer mathematics, linear programming.
  • MATH 1160 Precalculus 4 credits
    Number systems, functions, equations, and inequalities; algebra of polynomials, exponentials, and logarithms; analytic geometry of lines and circles; vectors, trigonometry, and complex numbers. (lecture: 3 hours; recitation: 2 hours).
    Prerequisites: two years of high school mathematics and placement by examination.
  • MATH 1410 Fundamentals of Calculus 4 credits
    This course is designed for students majoring in biology, pre-health sciences, or any other major except mathematics, computer science, physics, engineering, chemistry, and physical sciences.  Topics include functions, limits, derivatives, and integrals, and problem solving methods, including optimization and related rates problems. Emphasis is placed on developing and interpreting models from a variety of disciplines, on analyzing data, and on graphing and numerical computations. (lecture: 3 hours; recitation: 1 hour).
    Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus—high school Algebra and Trigonometry.
  • MATH 1412, 1413 Calculus I, II 4 credits
    First semester: limits, derivatives, and integrals; continuous and differentiable functions, mean value theorem, chain rule, implicit differentiation. Applications: curve sketching, maxima and minima, related rates, motion, area. Trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions. Second semester: methods of integration, area, moments, volume. Indeterminate forms, improper integrals, sequences and series. Parametric equations, arc length and polar coordinates. (lecture: 3 hours; recitation: 2 hours).
    Prerequisites: three years of high school mathematics and placement by examination or MATH 1160.
  • MATH 1504 Discrete Structures 4 credits
    Boolean algebra and predicate calculus; proof methods; sets, functions, and relations; combinatorics; graph theory and algorithms; mathematical induction and recursion; probability and average case analysis of algorithms. (lecture: 3 hours; recitation: 2 hours)
    Prerequisite: three years of high school mathematics.
  • MATH 1510 Multivariable Calculus 4 credits
    Limits and continuity in Euclidean spaces; partial derivatives, gradient, and chain rule; maxima and minima with constraints; multiple integrals, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; vector calculus; theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes.
    Prerequisite: MATH 1413.
  • MATH 1520, 1521 Advanced Calculus I, II 3 credits
    Real numbers; theorems on limits; continuous, differentiable, and integrable functions; sequences and series of functions; metric space methods, fixed points, existence theorems for differential equations; implicit function theorem.
    Prerequisites: MATH 1413 and permission of the instructor.
  • MATH 1523 Introduction to Analysis 3 credits
    Familiarizes students with analytic tools and ideas that are of practical significance for a variety of applications along with an awareness of the foundations, interrelations, and limitations of those methods.
    Prerequisites: MATH 1510, 2105.
  • MATH 1540 Functions of a Complex Variable  3 credits
    Analytic functions, Cauchy Riemann equations, Cauchy integral formula, residue theory, conformal mappings.
    Prerequisite: MATH 1520 or permission of the instructor.
  • MATH 2105 Linear Algebra 3 credits
    Systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, matrices, matrix algebra; vector spaces, linear transformations, similarity; inner product spaces; determinants; eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization; quadratic forms; canonical forms; spectral theory; applications.
    Prerequisite: MAT 1412.
  • MATH 2168 Elementary Number Theory 3 credits
    Properties of integers, Euclidean algorithm, unique factorization, arithmetic functions, perfect numbers, linear and quadratic congruences, public-key encryption.
  • MATH 2215 Modern Algebra 3 credits
    Basic concepts of an algebraic system, a sub-system, a factor-system, an isomorphism and a homomorphism. Examples and initial results from the theory of groups, rings, and fields. The second semester will be devoted to advanced topics, including recent developments.
    Prerequisite: MATH 2105 or permission of the instructor.
  • MATH 2461 Probability Theory 3 credits
    Discrete and continuous sample spaces; combinatorial analysis; density and distribution functions of random variables; expectation and variance; independence and conditional probability; law of large numbers; central limit theorem; generating functions; random walk and ruin problems.
    Prerequisite: MATH 1413.
  • MATH 2462 Mathematical Statistics 3 credits
    Application of probability theory to the classical parametric models: moment-generating functions, chi-square and t distributions, central limit theorem, sampling distributions, maximum likelihood and interval estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing; nonparametric models; the Bayesian controversy. Examples from natural science and social and behavioral research.
    Prerequisite: MATH 2461.
  • MATH 2601 Differential Equations 3 credits
    Classification of differential equations; existence and uniqueness of solutions; initial-value problems, boundary-value problems; power series methods, integral transforms; numerical algorithms and error estimation; topological methods. Prerequisite: MAT 1413.
  • MATH 2651 Numerical Analysis 3 credits
    Finite difference calculus; numerical solution of differential equations and linear systems of equations; iterative methods; computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Advanced elective.
    Prerequisite: MATH 1413
  • MATH 2901 Mathematics of Finance 3 credits
    Discrete models for options, pricing derivatives, continuous stock price models, Brownian motion, the Black-Scholes formula, the Black-Scholes differential equation, hedging options, dynamic programming, bond price models, yield curves, forwards and futures, Keynes interest rate parity formula.
    Prerequisite: familiarity with differential equations.
  • MATH 3301, 3302, 3303, 3304 Topics in Modern Mathematics 3 credits.
    Selected subjects in analysis, algebra, geometry, actuarial, and applied mathematics. Students may register for up to four semesters with permission of the Department Chair.
    Prerequisites: junior status and permission of the instructor.

Mathematics Major


  • Mathematics Major (Specialization in Pure and Applied Mathematics – 13 courses):
    • Required: 7 required courses
      1. MAT-1412 Calculus-I  
      2. MAT-1413 Calculus-II  
      3. MAT-1510 Multivariable Calculus  
      4. MAT-2105 Linear Algebra
      5. MAT-2601 Differential Equations
      6. MAT-1520 Advanced Calculus-I (or MAT-5300* Introduction to Analysis)
      7. MAT-2461 Probability Theory     
    • Electives:  4 elective courses in advanced mathematics (MAT-1500 or higher, or graduate mathematics). Recommended courses include:
      1. MAT-1504 Discrete Structures
      2. MAT-2462 Mathematical Statistics
      3. MAT-1521 Advanced Calculus-II (or MAT-5301* Real Analysis)
      4. MAT-1540 Functions of a Complex Variable (or MAT-5405* Functions of a Complex Variable)
      5. MAT-2215 Modern Algebra (or MAT-5339* Algebra)
    • Correlates: 2 correlate courses from computer science, or graduate mathematics, artificial intelligence, data analytics and visualization.
  • Mathematics Major (Specialization in Computational Science –
    13 courses):
    • Required: 7 required courses in mathematics
      1. MAT-1412 Calculus-I  
      2. MAT-1413 Calculus-II  
      3. MAT-1510 Multivariable Calculus
      4. MAT-2105 Linear Algebra
      5. MAT-2461 Probability Theory  
      6. MAT-2462 Mathematical Statistics
      7. MAT-2651 Numerical Analysis (or MAT-5400* Scientific Computing)
    • Elective: 4 elective courses in computer science or advanced mathematics. Recommended courses include:
      1. COM-1300 Introduction to Computer Science  
      2. COM-1310 Mathematics for Computer Science (or COM-1504 Discrete Structures or MAT-1504 Discrete Structures)
      3. COM-1320 Data Structures
      4. COM-2545 Algorithms  
      5. COM-3920 Machine Learning
    • Correlates: 2 correlate courses from computer science, or advanced mathematics, artificial intelligence, data analytics and visualization.
  • Mathematics Major (Specialization in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics – 13 courses):
    • Required: 7 required courses in mathematics
      1. MAT-1412 Calculus-I
      2. MAT-1413 Calculus-II  
      3. MAT-1510 Multivariable Calculus
      4. MAT-2105 Linear Algebra
      5. MAT-2461 Probability Theory
      6. MAT-2462 Mathematical Statistics
      7. MAT-2901 Mathematics of Finance (MAT-5640* Mathematics of Finance)
    • Elective: 4 elective courses in economics or business intelligence and marketing analytics or advanced mathematics. Recommended courses include:
      1. ECO-1010 Principles of Economics 
      2. ECO-1101 Intermediate Microeconomics
      3. ECO-1201 Intermediate Macroeconomics
      4. ECO-1421 Econometrics
      5. ECO-2601 Financial Economics
      6. ACC-1001 Accounting Principles 
      7. ACC-1002 Accounting Principles 
      8. FIN-1001  Principles of Finance
      9. IDS-2030 Business Analytics and Programming
      10. IDS-2550 Business Intelligence and Consumer Insights
      11. IDS-3000 Business Intelligence Projects
      12. IDS-2160 Decision Models
      13. IDS-2020 Data Visualization
    • Correlates: 2 correlate courses from economics or advanced mathematics, artificial intelligence, data analytics and visualization.
  • Mathematics Minors (6 courses):
    • Required: 4 required courses
      1. MAT-1412 Calculus-I  
      2. MAT-1413 Calculus-II  
      3. MAT-1510 Multivariable Calculus
      4. MAT-2105 Linear Algebra
    • Electives:  2 elective courses in mathematics numbered MAT-1500 or higher.

For more details about the Mathematics major and minor - see the factsheet at the Academic Advisement webpage.

The following list includes faculty who teach at the Beren (B) and/or Wilf (W)

  • Edward Belbruno
    Clinical Professor of Mathematics (W)
    PhD, New York University
    Research interests:  celestial mechanics, chaos theory, dynamical systems,
    aerospace engineering, cosmology (big bang singularity).
    Contact: edward.belbruno@yu.edu
  • Wenxiong Chen
    Professor of Mathematics
    PhD, Academia Sinica
    Research interests: nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations, fractional Laplacians,
    and other non-local operators, nonlinear functional analysis, and geometric analysis.
    Contact: wchen@yu.edu
  • Michael Dalezman
    Assistant Professor of Mathematics (B)
    PhD, New York University
    Research Interests: number theory.
    Contact: dalezma@yu.edu
  • Marian Gidea
    Professor of Mathematics, Director of the Graduate Program (B)(W)
    PhD, SUNY Buffalo
    Research interests: dynamical systems, chaos theory, celestial mechanics,
    and applications to mathematical physics, astrodynamics, mathematical biology,
    and financial mathematics.
    Contact: marian.gidea@yu.edu
  • Morton Lowengrub
    Professor and Provost Emeritus
    PhD, Duke University
    Research interests: nonlinear partial differential equations and integral equations
    with applications on crack problems in elasticity theory; system of integral equations,
    double and triple integral equations, and mixed boundary value problems.
    Contact: lowengru@yu.edu
  • Antonella Marini, Chair (W)
    Professor of Mathematics (W)
    PhD, University of Chicago
    Research interests: partial differential equations and applications to high-energy physics.
    Contact: marini@yu.edu
  • Peter Nandori
    Assistant Professor of Mathematics (B)
    PhD, Technical University of Budapest
    Research interests: hyperbolic dynamical systems, probability theory
    and mathematical statistical physics.  
    Contact: peter.nandori@yu.edu
  • Pablo Roldan
    Assistant Professor of Mathematics (B, W)
    PhD, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
    Research interests:  differential equations and dynamical systems (Hamiltonian systems),
    high-performance computing, mathematics of finance.
    Contact: pablo.roldan@yu.edu
  • Neer Asherie
    Affiliate Faculty, Professor of Physics (W)
    PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Research interests: protein phase behavior and self-assembly.
    Contact: asherie@yu.edu
  • Sergey Buldyrev
    Affiliate Faculty, Professor of Physics (W)
    PhD, Saint Petersburg State University
    Research interests: thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, classical mechanics,
    computational physics, and the theory of complex systems.
    Contact: buldyrev@yu.edu
  • Gabriel Cwilich
    Affiliate Faculty, Professor of Physics (W)
    PhD, Rutgers University
    Research interests: disordered systems.
    Contact: cwilich@yu.edu
  • Avi Giloni
    Affiliate Faculty, Sy Syms School of Business
    PhD, New York University
    Research interests: optimization and mathematical applications to operations management.
    Contact: agiloni@yu.edu
  • Mark Edelman
    Affiliate Faculty, Clinical Associate Professor of Physics (B)
    PhD, Odessa University
    Research interests: research in nonlinear dynamics that includes, fractional dynamical systems,
    numerical experiments in chaos.
    Contact: medelma1@yu.edu
  • Yuri Katz
    Affiliate Faculty, Standard and Poor's Global Market Intelligence
    PhD,  Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk
    Research interests:  financial applications of cognitive computational platforms,
    risk-valuation solutions, time-series analysis, 'big data' and predictive financial analytics,
    topological data analysis, climate finance.
    Contact: yuri.katz@yu.edu
  • Emil Prodan
    Affiliate Faculty, Professor of Physics (B)
    PhD, Rice University
    Research interests: mathematical physics, specifically, operator theory, spectral analysis
    and constructive quantum field formalism,  rigorous mathematics and computer simulations
    to study the  physics of the condensed matter.
    Contact: prodan@yu.edu
  • Lea Santos
    Affiliate Faculty, Professor of Physics (B)
    PhD, University of Sao Paulo
    Research interests:  many-body quantum systems, non-equilibrium quantum dynamics,
    thermalization, quantum transport, quantum chaos, spin systems, many-body localization,
    quantum phase transition, quantum control, dynamical decoupling methods, decoherence,
    quantum-classical transition.
    Contact: lsantos2@yu.edu
  • Fredy Zypman
    Affiliate Faculty, Professor of Physics (W)
    PhD, Case Western Reserve University
    Research interests: image reconstruction with scanning probe microscopes,
    atomistic modeling of materials, quantum optics, and mathematical optimization.
    Contact: zypman@yu.edu
  • Wai-Ting Lam
    Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics (B)
    MS, University of Southern California, PhD Candidate
    Research interests:  dynamical systems, celestial mechanics, applications to astrodynamics.
    Contact: WaiTing.Lam@yu.edu
  • Maxwell Musser
    Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics (B, W)
    MS, City College of New York, PhD Candidate
    Research interests:  dynamical systems (Hamiltonian systems).
    Contact: mmusser@mail.yu.edu
  • David Pahmer
    Instructor of Jewish Studies 
    Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics (B)
    Ed.D., ³ÉÈËÊÓƵɫÇéƬ
    Research interests: methodology of Torah Sheb'al Peh, time laws and concepts, science, philosophy of science, and rationality.
    Contact: pahmer@yu.edu
  • Julio Kuplinsky
    Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics

  • In addition, the department continues to employ advanced undergraduate students as graders, tutors and lab assistants. Students who are interested in such activities should contact the department chair.

Please note: Links to external sites are offered as a convenience to visitors, as a starting point for exploration. Such sites are neither endorsed nor regulated by ³ÉÈËÊÓƵɫÇéƬ, which accepts no responsibility for their content.


  • Tutoring at Yeshiva College is available via 
  • Tutoring in mathematics at Stern College for Women is available via 


  • Software created by a faculty member at the University of New Mexico.

  • Links and resources related to the work of the great Soviet mathematician.
  • Grothendieck
    Links and resources related to the work of the great algebraic geometer.


  • A listing maintained by a professor at Purdue University.

  • From the American Statistical Association.

  • From the American Mathematical Society.

Graduate Study

  • From the American Mathematical Society.

  • From the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


  • From the American Mathematical Society.

  • From the Society for Applied Mathematics.

  • From Be An Actuary.

  • From the Society of Actuaries.

  • From the American Statistical Association

News and Organizations

  • In Cambridge, England
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